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How's your week been?

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  • I have been playing a lot more of my guitar, recorded some songs, I think I dislike them less and less as I keep doing it

    I also got an appointment for hrt finally, fuck us healthcare. I should have done diy months ago but here I am

    • I hope your appointment goes well! If things don't click, I suuuper recommend Folx Health. It's an online doctor service, and you never have to do anything in person outside the blood work. They made the process so easy- one appointment over video chat, and then boom, pharmacy had my hrt the same day. Good luck!!

  • 1000022391

    Started on my journey to Turkey yesterday! Gonna get my hair fixed there.

  • Oh hai ~ the weekly thread is back, yay!

    Things are pretty good here. Weight is slowly dropping off, which is a relief (still lots to go); I'm two weeks into DIY, and stuff seems to be happening. It's quite hard to be objective though. At least I have a backup plan in case the doctor is uncooperative.

    Because of all the waiting I'm a bit worried about losing momentum, especially when the self-doubt creeps in. Well, screw that voice - I'm gonna be a woman anyway :3

    Oh, and I bought some clothes in preparation for the cooler weather. The sleeves are all too short, so I'm (re-)learning to sew. Take that, fashion industry!

  • My gender doc is an asshole and I want a new one... Just trying to sort out a missing pathology form and he emails me back in all caps screaming at me, misunderstands the situation, doesn't help and treats me like I'm crazy. Well, I'm just doing what he told me to do last appointment "just email me I can sort it out in no time."

    Still don't have the damn form so I guess he can get pissed off again that I haven't done them, and its completely his own fault. I am so goddamn over medical professionals being shit.