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What's the most embarrassing thing about you?
  • I'd totally get in Austin power's Shaguar.

  • Aleph Alpha enlists Cerebras waferscale supers to train AI for German military
  • Can you imagine being an order of magnitude more intelligent and insightful than say gauss and basho put together, and then having one of our world leaders as a master?

    This is 'sovereign AI' experiment is really going to bring interesting results. We haven't seen anything yet.

  • Reading books can be world changing
  • Oh I know exactly what you mean. I'm not dyslexic but do have a reading impediment due to being a visual thinker.

    I forced myself to read national geographic from cover to cover for many years. It's quite a thick magazine with a decent level of writing. I've learned so much about the world, it gave me many amazing memories.

    After that I was able to pick up some books. I don't read much, but what I read is of a high level. I would've never expected that this is the stuff I'd be reading at my age!

  • How's your week been?
  • I've been extremely busy with distracting myself. I'm pretty sure I broke a record.

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • It's a good idea for note taking.

  • What is freedom?
  • What do you think of how our democracies handle minorities?

  • What is freedom?
  • So you must first lose everything?

  • What is freedom?
  • Can you share what you imagine?

  • Google Delists Sites Providing DIY Hormone Therapy at Behest of UK Government
  • Yup I saw that. And the series Pose.

  • Half-Life 2: Episode Two - Nikolai Lobzov (2018) oils
  • I remember how the commentary mentioned that they worked forever on that effect you see in the distance.

    Edit: You can see the portal at 1:30 here

  • Google Delists Sites Providing DIY Hormone Therapy at Behest of UK Government
  • Yap same with the hiv story in the US until they threw ashes on the lawn of the white house iirc.

  • Google Delists Sites Providing DIY Hormone Therapy at Behest of UK Government
  • Cyberpunk is a dramatization of the world we live in.

  • Google Delists Sites Providing DIY Hormone Therapy at Behest of UK Government
  • Yup. Cuz I'm poor I have only the basic level of healthcare. I should add that this is essentially free and so it's not an entirely bad system. But it's effectively useless in many cases if you are poor.

    How can someone be poor here? Well this can happen when you don't fit squarely in the safety net. For example a friend of mine lived with her bf, but because it was social housing they made it extra small to motivate people to get out. But that also somehow made it legally too small for two people to live there. But because she is trans and poor she was essentially forced into that situation. So people often can't be registered in the right places, which can impact your social stipend.

    That's why you are forced to pick the cheapest healthcare option, and that means your own risk will be about 1k euros a year. You have to pay that much for healthcare that year before you are covered 100%. It's to demotivate overusing the system. Makes sense if you can afford it.

    But what if you are genuinely poor? It's common. Just imagine the levels of discomfort we go through. Imagine being a woman with facial hair and it makes you uncomfortable. How are you supposed to do anything like work? And all the stress causes mental health issues. It's common to see in my community. People get panic attacks and everything.

    And when against all odds you do go, and you pay all that somehow, you'll likely be discriminated. There's simply not enough training for psychologists here. From where I stand it's absolutely reasonable that people use diy hrt, financially and emotionally. And you have to set that in perspective to the past, where that was the status quo. 😿

  • Google Delists Sites Providing DIY Hormone Therapy at Behest of UK Government
  • Good question. I'm an adult from the NL and I'd say more than half of the people I know on hrt use diy.

    The first step would be overcoming your fear to visit a gp. These are tied to your postalcode and often there isn't much choice.

    Now you have to overcome it again when seeing a psychiatrist, and pay for that because it isn't fully covered. So you might be paying a lot just to simply be discriminated.

    I finally have a supportive gp now, which was a pain to find. The only medical professional I've seen that knew what she was talking about was the woman who did my laser treatment.

    I'm still waiting.

  • Software piracy?
  • Just search FOSS alternatives, there's a plethora of websites for finding those.

  • Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room
  • Thanks for sharing. I'll be sure to bring it up so perhaps we'll be able to avoid it as much as possible.

    If you have any actionable ideas? As in what to watch out for. Or perhaps any resources related to this topic.

  • Industrial Design Student Work: "How Long Should Objects Last?"
  • Issue with umbrellas is that people tend to forget them, which is a downward pressure on budget and thus quality and longetivity.

  • Software piracy?
  • Have you tried FOSS? I use it for everything and pirating software is likely going to infect your computer.

  • Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room You're invited to talk on Matrix

    You're invited to talk on Matrix

    If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room.

    I’ve recently been helping some folks with their housing needs and thought that creating a network could be incredibly helpful. By pooling our resources, whether it’s sharing links, tips, or even just advice, we can support each other more effectively. ❤️

    We have a privacy-focused collaborative document to organize our resources and ideas. It'll grow over time. 📄

    Let’s make this a supportive space for everyone! 🌸

    Sharing and updoots appreciated! !bee flag trans emoji

    What's your favorite snack?

    Mine is crunchy dark chocolate muesli with milk and a bit of sugar.

    Update: I'm doing great!

    Hey just an update, as I made a post Thursday a week ago that was quite heavy, and I felt it would be unfair to leave that hanging.

    I've finally gone on hrt and I feel amazing. In a terrible kind of way. Like still totally depressed, numb, concentration issues and the like but in a feeling fantastic kind of way.

    Last Monday I broke a vase. I left it like that until today. I tidied up, cleaned up, moved furniture, cried cuz of music, hung pictures on the wall which I wanted to do for years, apologized to a friend, unpacked more of my stuff. I rewarded myself by going out and getting a pizza. I clicked with everyone it was fantastic.

    While I was biking home I realized that I knew I wouldn't be tired. I wouldn't have to retreat into a dark corner with my phone, pushing away hours hoping for my stamina to return.

    Hormones work. I still can't believe it. I still can't believe I am a woman. I still can't believe that I can decide what I'll do tomorrow. I still can't believe that this is what life is like for most poeple. Ya'll doing a bunch of drugs 24 7 essentially. And this goes on for the rest of my life? Omg

    Edit: this song

    Boogie Oogie Oogie! (fixed)

    So have ya'll watched Pose yet? I can't stop watching the music videos!

    Craftyindividual, thanks for all your posts!

    Picture unrelated, I just liked it. It's from all over you, from 1997.

    Plight of the Transbian Plight of the Transbian

    Why gay trans women tend to have an exceptionally insidious form of gender dysphoria.


    Which trans characters from TV shows inspire you?

    For me:

    What's something you've done that you're proud of?

    I'll start. Not to toot my own horn but I feel I'm at least partially responsible for getting a friend to see the value of romantic love, which she managed to find!

    What do you miss the most from the 90s?

    For me it's holding a VHS in the store and looking at the cover.

    New Dress

    The picture says:

    Smile in my new dress

    Behind me there suddenly -

    Fearless winter sky.

    When I get cold I put on my bluetooth headset and dance

    Just came back from my stupid mental health walk. How are you dealing with the cold? Power was a euro/kWh earlier this year. It's 14 degrees here right now. Sometimes it feels like courage fails me.

    The Lives of Others - Wikipedia

    The plot is about the monitoring of East Berlin residents by agents of the Stasi, East Germany's secret police.

    TIL Law of triviality - Wikipedia

    Does this hit close to home for you too?

    I often find myself skirting around the actual meat of the issue, solving minor, simpler issues around it. Finally I must consciously decide to move in, and as a producer I knew would say - slap it in the face and drag it over the finish line.

    Ever noticed someone made a remastered Voyager intro? Star Trek: Voyager intro remastered (HD)

    The best of all the title sequences, now in HD. This is a re-creation from scratch, including building the ship. I started this in 2017. It has been a long p...

    Star Trek: Voyager intro remastered (HD)

    Dat ice

    xilliah Elise

    Developmental informatics hacker

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