Nintendo, The Pokemon Company sue Palworld maker Pocketpair
Nintendo, The Pokemon Company sue Palworld maker Pocketpair

Japanese patent-infringement lawsuit follows “investigation” announced in January.

Nintendo, The Pokemon Company sue Palworld maker Pocketpair
Japanese patent-infringement lawsuit follows “investigation” announced in January.
When you can't innovate, litigate. A tale as old as time.
This is what everyone had (wrongly) claimed when Palworld initially came out. Looks like they finally decided to pull the trigger. It's not going to be successful at all, but Nintendo is the Disney of Japan.
I hope it all goes well for Pocketpair, but im so glad we get to see this joke of a lawsuit unfold. Popcorn is ready.
The hubris of evil corporations. Like, the game was already fading into obscurity. They could have just left it alone but instead they're going to give it tons more publicity and give more people reason to buy it.
Look, I've got no love for Palworld-- I always found it deeply uncomfortable how the devs and the playerbase leaned into "lul monster slavery but with guns too"-- but isn't this ham-handed move on Nintendo's part just going to Streisand Effect another boom into existence, where eyes on Palworld are concerned?
Dumb move by a pair of companies already sub-reviled for how litigious they've become.