"Perfect is the enemy of good." I heard that for the first time the other day and it's really stuck with me. All I have to do is be okay with progress over completion.
The sad thing is that I actually believed for years that I just need a bit better conditions or it's just my mindset or willpower that are stopping me from doing things that I always wanted to do. Then I started learning about what ADHD is, what it does to you and that the willpower is outside your control. I've been taught that ADHD is just some problems with concetration and that's it. Teachers also repeated to me a lot of times that I just need to try harder because they can see that I'm capable of doing more but just don't want to. Life's fun.
Today I wrote an offer (1st time for that kind) for our customer and took about 30 minutes with all infos already know.
I cross checked the whole offer 3 times to be perfectly identical and all is fine.
God I hate myself for that. Meanwhile my (by time) junior colleague creates offers like it's nothing and my (by time) senior creates >10k offers.
I feel rrally inferior at times due to that.