Giant Gippsland earthworm - ten feet long and Australian
Giant Gippsland earthworm - ten feet long and Australian
Ewww it's Australian
6 0 ReplyIt's things like this that has me convinced there is all sorts of weird shit we don't know about living beneath the ocean floor.
6 0 ReplyWell Australia is mostly desert, deadly, and a major minerals exporter. Only natural the spice would flow from Australia.
5 0 ReplyBut does it leave behind a spice that lets some people see the future?
5 0 ReplyBeing Australian, it of course wants to kill you
4 0 ReplyIf it's big and crawly, it gotta be Aussie
2 0 ReplyIt's Earthworm Jim! Earth's favorite segmented spacefaring supersuit wearing annelid! He's groovy!
2 0 Reply
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