All I can say is I recently got into a thing specifically for the porn, and it ended up being a super emotional and not really all that pornographic story which fucked me all up and I haven't been able to jerk off since.
Porn wouldn't have done that.
Edit: Adastra for those asking. I just thought it was just a yiff-filled dating sim when I started it.
Never really know on Lemmy. The other day a woman was wearing a trashy shirt full of sexual innuendo and swear words in public and lemmys response was "fuck those kids".
But in another thread like this, it's bad
In this case I don't think it's about the porn but the need to show it off as an integral part of your identity. I think it may even betray a need to reaffirm your heteronormativity hence a bad role model if you happen to get kids that need to learn about who they are rather than what's expected of them.
So we will always say "porn is bad" is a stupid belief because like in all things when you get in the weeds it's never going to be easy sorting it out.