Yeah I find the kind of messaging in the headline here really eye-rolling. No, a new (bad) instalment in a franchise doesn't make me stop enjoying the older entries. The Star Wars sequels don't take away from the original hexalogy & Clone Wars.
The review itself here though is really good. The game is really, really bad, and the author of this review absolutely nails the reasons why.
It's telling that they don't have an official subforum for this game, although there is one for AoE1, 2, 3, and 4, and Age of Mythology. They do have a Discord, and I recently noticed on there the official devs are desperately calling for people to give more positive reviews.
Was there ever any question it was going to be a soulless cash-grab?
Well, there was certainly question before we found out that Tencent was involved. Back when all we knew about it was that it would be called Age of Empires: Mobile. At a time not long after the AoE2 and AoE4 ports to console & controller had shown to be surprisingly a really good way to play the games we love on a novel input scheme. Back then, yeah I honestly thought the reason this was being done was because they thought they had come up with a good way to get a good RTS experience on a mobile device.