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A pernicious case of mistaken identity goes to the Supreme Court Will the Real David Sosa Please Stand Up?

Police arrested and detained the wrong David Sosa—twice. Advances in technology should have prevented such mistakes long ago.

Will the Real David Sosa Please Stand Up?

David Sosa was mistakenly arrested twice in the same county, by the same cops, on the same warrant issued decades earlier for a completely different David Sosa in another state, with different age, height, weight, and distinguishing tattoos.

  • The notion that cops are arresting people for having the same name as someone in the database — not checking date-of-birth or anything else — is just nuts. And completely ordinary names, too. The incompetence and don't-give-a-damn-itude is astounding.

    Asking the current Supreme Court, though... Might as well roll dice.