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Pete Buttigieg fact-checks a GOP congressman to his face at House hearing
  • I just wish Mr. Buttigieg wasn't confined to such a low-stakes role in the administration. It's great that he gets the occasional moments like this, but he's not exactly being set up for a run at the Presidency in 2028.

  • Fauci: Trump really believed COVID would “disappear like magic”
  • Hillary would have done a MUCH better job with the pandemic. She would have (rightly) seen it as her opportunity to make a mark of historical importance on the Presidency, and started managing the shit out of it, 8 o'clock day one.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • I believe the last two listed ('Thou shalt not covet...') are considered to be the same commandment, although they appear as two separate verses in the Bible.

  • Fauci: Trump really believed COVID would “disappear like magic”
  • Did we need Fauci to tell us that? Trump went on record to the press, several times, claiming that COVID would fade away in a few months. He was wrong, of course, and winter 2020-21 was one of the deadliest periods.

  • Removed
    Lakota elders helped a white man preserve their language. Then he tried to sell it back to them.
  • Interesting. I doubt the source material is copyrightable, but I also doubt the consortium is under any legal obligation to provide copies, unless signed some previous agreement to that effect.

  • When a magazine goes out of print and/or out of business, do the original 'master files' for each issue still exist somewhere?
  • Perhaps worth noting, there was a SCOTUS decision in the early 2000s (New York Times Co. v. Tasini) that held that freelance journalists whose contracts did not specifically include an electronic distribution clause were entitled to damages when those articles were subsequently released on the web and to electronic news services like Lexis/Nexis.

    Big publications like the NYT came to settlements that allowed them to pay to redistribute the older articles (by paying the original authors), but smaller publications may not have such a settlement structure in place and may not be allowed to redistribute the original articles without additional permissions.

    FYI, I have a copy of the Dragon Magazine Archive CD-ROM version that came out in 2001... only to immediately disappear off the market for this very reason!

  • Yamato (by Kobayashi Makoto)
  • How did you make the static image play the theme song OP? HOW?

  • Microsoft in damage-control mode, says it will prioritize security over AI
  • Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO, “has taken on the responsibility personally to serve as the senior executive with overall accountability for Microsoft’s security,”

    Err. Wasn't that already true? He's chief executive officer, not chief some shit that doesn't include security officer.

  • Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay $120000 within 24h
  • resolve it in whatever way CF deemed appropriate

    CloudFlare deemed the upgrade to Enterprise service appropriate.

  • Removed
    Google Pay is officially dead in the US. Just got the email.
  • Will you be able to buy Google Wallet gift cards with cash, and charge up Google Wallet so you can make POS and online payments?

    Because I suspect that was a main driver of Google Pay.

  • Nonconsensual AI porn is hated on the left and right. Can Congress act on it?
  • I feel I was misconstrued. 1. a law will probably happen, and 2. it will do fuck all because the tool chain and posting/sharing process are going to be completely anonymous.

    Yeah, in specific cases where you can determine deepfake revenge porn of Person A was posted by Person B who had an axe to grind, you might get a prosecution. I just don't think the dudes making porn on their Nvidia GPUs of Gal Godot f*ckin Boba Fett are ever gonna get caught, and the celebrity cat will stay forever out of the bag.

  • Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay $120000 within 24h
  • But, the guy admits that what they were doing with the domains was expressly permitted in the "Enterprise" class service. If it was expressly prohibited in the "Business" class service, then they set themselves up for the shakedown.

  • Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay $120000 within 24h
  • First of all, congrats! Your business must have become pretty successful. How exactly did CF decide to “ask” you to switch to Enterprise?


    * You violated their terms of service...

    I wouldn't say Cloudflare is innocent, here, but this business handled Cloudflare the cudgel that was used to beat them. They admit to doing something with their domains that was expressly prohibited in the service they were paying for.

  • Nonconsensual AI porn is hated on the left and right. Can Congress act on it?
  • I suppose the only thing I disagree with is that the law can do anything about it. Obviously, you can go after sites that have money and/or a real business presence, a la Pornhub. But the rest? It's the wild west.

  • Iranian President Stoned To Death With Mountain
  • Let he who is without sin throw the first helicopter.

  • Can someone ID this comic strip?
  • I'd call it a Chaswozzer.

  • can't escape the RULE
  • Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior

  • The Pedants Club
  • Misinterpreting contextually appropriate diction is not pedantry.

  • grunting rule
  • (whispers) … Harambe …

  • The HU Band - Wolf Totem (Mongolian Hunnu Rock)

    The Hu (stylized as The HU) is a Mongolian folk metal band formed in 2016. Incorporating traditional Mongolian instrumentation, including the morin khuur, the tovshuur, and throat singing, the band calls their style of music "hunnu rock", a term inspired by the Xiongnu, an ancient tribal confederation of uncertain origins, known as Hünnü in Mongolia. Some of the band's lyrics include old Mongolian war cries and poetry in the Mongolian language.

    WTF RickRussell_CA
    Advertisement from 1904: “Absolutely Safe”
    A pernicious case of mistaken identity goes to the Supreme Court Will the Real David Sosa Please Stand Up?

    Police arrested and detained the wrong David Sosa—twice. Advances in technology should have prevented such mistakes long ago.

    Will the Real David Sosa Please Stand Up?

    David Sosa was mistakenly arrested twice in the same county, by the same cops, on the same warrant issued decades earlier for a completely different David Sosa in another state, with different age, height, weight, and distinguishing tattoos.

    Possible username abuse? (Resolved by admins Aug 29 2023)

    Hey folks. A question for you.

    I'm RickRussell_CA on,,, and

    When I saw that was coming up in the rankings, I decided that perhaps I should stake my claim here. But, as you may guess, there is already a RickRussell_CA on

    It's even using the profile picture that I had originally used on It's made 1 comment (on a since deleted post) and no submissions.

    I've used the "Forgot password" link and it's definitely not my account, as it doesn't recognize my email.

    I understand that this is a risk under the Fediverse model, but I'm a bit worried that somebody staked this out as a way of impersonating me.

    Is there any way to address this?

    EDIT: admins saw this post, and banned the account. Thanks to them!

    Take the high road: the man who visited every country in the world – without boarding a plane Take the high road: the man who visited every country in the world – without boarding a plane

    At 34, Torbjørn Pedersen embarked on a seemingly impossible journey that would take 10 years – and involve cerebral malaria and being held up at gunpoint. He reflects on the highs, the lows and the joy of getting married en route

    Take the high road: the man who visited every country in the world – without boarding a plane

    Fascinating story of a Danish traveler who visited every country on Earth, only by land and boat.

    Go read Radley Balko on Substack

    He's arguably the nation's most decorated journalist on law enforcement and criminal justice issues. He was released from The Washington Post last October and moved his new original content to Substack.

    Big pack of AD&D titles from Humble Bundle (Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment, Neverwinter Nights), $12 for 8 titles RPG Legends: Baldur's Gate & Beyond

    Get games like Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, Baldur’s Gate Enhanced Edition, and a pre-order of MythForce. Pay what you want & support Active Minds!

    RPG Legends: Baldur's Gate & Beyond

    I already own all of these titles on multiple platforms, but if you're missing any of these classics, now's a good time to build out your Steam library for just a couple bucks per game.

    Cyberpunk RickRussell_CA
    HOTEL R9, in Minokamo, Japan

    ``` 10 LET A$ = "LEMMY"


    30 PRINT A$ ```

    RickRussell_CA RickRussell_CA

    was RickRussellTX @ reddit

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