Unfortunately the export of water will only benefit the megacorporations that already has control like Nestle.
It's difficult to imagine Canadians who are already experiencing localized and frequent drought conditions to export what limited supply we have.
One method that might encourage Canadians to consider exporting water is an agreement that ALL profits will be shared to low and middle income class Canadians as we all know that capitalistic systems are highly unsustainable and are immensely toxic for anyone involved.
Some water company bought land in Colorado, pumped as much water as they wanted, lowered the level of the aquifer significantly enough to cause local wells to run dry for years, and it was perfectly legal for the company to do that. We need protections to prevent similar stories in Canada. Not just people but many local or even distant ecosystems depend on our aquifers.
Pretty sure that as soon as water gets scarse, our "friends" from the south will start pumping the great lakes and start aggressively buying anything they can around our other water reserves. If we dare nationalise those critical resources, they will liberate us from this oppressive regime to promote free trade.
Must be one of their most used page of their playbook.
The great lakes compact is pretty aggressively supported by the Great Lakes states. There would be a pretty massive domestic fight if the west tried to take any water.
In fact the Great Lakes Compact was created after Canada tried to start shipping Lake Superior water to Asia in the 90s.
Tell me how that works for BC, who’s a net positive for transfer payments and is the source of the Columbia River whose water system travels through three states after leaving BC?