i've dove into the cramp saying fuck you to the universe, and i've tried to ignore it, and i've tried to hyperventilate through it, nothing makes it go away any quicker
Tonic water. The sharp bitter tricks your brain. Added benefit if you find a brand that still has quinine, as quinine is proven to have a preventative effect on cramps over time.
Note that doctors consider quinine dangerous due to other issues
I don't have calf cramps, but sometimes I'll be flexing my toes and I'll feel one start to fire up a cramp, and it's a fast-paced high-stakes game of Operation, where I keep moving my toe around trying to find the magic relaxation spot, while it sends off more and more alarming pre-cramp warning buzzes. (That may not be a perfect metaphor but I got tired of thinking of board games. I also considered Battleship.)
Yeah this. Nowadays I can usually stop it or at least make it way lighter by just moving my foot in the right position again. It has almost become a reflex at this point
If you feel your calf cramping up you should sit up in bed, straighten the troublesome leg, then grab your toes. I think it's called the seated toe touch.
Someone explained to me that all you have to do is get out of the bed and immediately stand on it and the cramp generally won't happen or will be much milder. Tested and it works like a charm.
This is the correct answer. The first time it cramped, my wife was begginge to stand on it as I massaged it while screaming in agony. The second time it happened she wasn't home, so I decided to just try what she had told me to do a d poof the pain disappeared.
I didn't know this was common for other people. I've always viewed my capacity to cause what should be a sporting injury from lying in bed as a uniquely personally shameful indictment.
I got these almost every morning when I was pregnant. Thankfully they only lasted a few minutes (besides a soreness for the rest of the day), but they sucked. I had to train myself to not move my legs in my sleep.
I don't get the calf cramps, but foot or ribs. Ribs are the fucking worst because hiw the fuck do you stretch that out?! I can only reach up so high! It's not fair!
Bend to the sides. Like, bend your trunk left and reach your right arm over your head to the left, then do the reverse. Stretches all those side muscles around the ribs and stomach.
Drink water. Fix your shitty diet. Eat bananas or sweet potatoes or other sources of potassium. Take dietary magnesium supplements or use the topical magnesium stuff (like Theraworx foam) on your affected muscle groups before bed.
By doing the above, I went from frequently having calf cramps to never having calf cramps.