How do I install anti-virus on my shoes?
How do I install anti-virus on my shoes?
How do I install anti-virus on my shoes?
I have a pair of Linux ones, but I had to make them myself, and then everyone told me I was wearing the wrong brand, and that theirs is better. The Apple ones were even worse, though. I had to buy proprietary feet just to wear them, and when I broke my foot my doctor told me that he wasn't certified to repair it.
I tried to install Linux on an old pair of Nikes and I have never once gotten Bluetooth to work.
please say these aren't real
I know dr sholes makes anti bacterial, maybe start there
Infected with Windows.
You're right, it's too late now.
Don't mind the virus have you installed Microsoft edge? Microsoft edge has great features such as Microsoft syponing more data from your pc etc. Microsoft bullshit
Simple, just visit
Nice, Blue shoes.
It’s already endpoint protection.
They already do. But every now and then when you try to put them on they won't lift off the floor because they're installing that update you've been putting off.