Dwarf Fortress from Bay 12 Games and Kitfox Games has a fresh update available on Steam today, and this brings with it their official Native Linux support.
Unless it has been changed, I believe Valve described their algorithm along the lines of "7 days after your purchase it will count towards the OS you've used the most to play it. If you haven't played the game at that point it will counts towards the OS you used to buy it"
I bought the Steam release day 1 and it has worked great with Proton. I played a couple forts and had my fill.
Now that the Linux version is out I might have to run another fort on it and see how it works.
Well I hate to say it but so far I can't get any audio from the game when running the Linux build.
Of course as soon as I post it, I see a comment online saying that the sound properties were altered and need to be turned up much louder in the Options menu. I had to crank the game from 15% up to 100%, but it's there and working well so far!
The game history, and its always a pleasure to see news about it, this is a monument and the brothers deserves everything good that is happening to them.
I used it in Beta and it's amazingly stable. Love the game,too bad I don't have the time or patience to scratch all the cool features and am quite bad it it anyway.
Do you think i'd like the game as a hardcore rimworld fan?
I like how accessible RW is, yet very unforgiving, i like the amount of freedom i have and how important pawns are, how i can be on the brink of a game over for HOURS but still bounce back. Is this anything like that?
I dont know anyones who has played it and money's tight so asking for random's opinion
Yes, this game is like that. This game also has more in depth simulation and mechanics, but it's way less accessible.
One major difference is that RimWorld has a narrator AI that will make up events for your colony to experience, while dwarf fortress tries to simulate a world and the events are most of the time the result of the world simulation.
This makes RimWorld more gamey, meaning dwarf fortress can kind of get stuck in weird or bad situations, and men in black won't magically show up to save your colony. But for many players that's part of the charm!
MiB never helped anyways, if he appeared the situation was bad enough to guarantee a New Game.
I found some vids and learned theres a FREE ver, so im def checking when i get back from work.
Saw some vids about the game during break, its quite different imo - losing pawns doesnt seem as painful as it is in rimworld and dont really like the "classic" fantasy style it has but again, i can check it for free.
One question tho, could you give an example of a 'weird/bad situation'?
The game has been free for 16 years. This is the paid version to support the devs, literally because they're getting old and they have medical bills to pay.
While I typically love a good sale, some labors of love like this or factorio involve so much quality they warrant paying to support these wonderful developers
My personal benchmark is $1/hr; so my question is, will I get 38 ($CAD) hours of enjoyment out of it eventually? I think I almost certainly will, this kind of game is pretty on brand for me.
Got it working on Linux Mint. I had to also install libsdl2-image-2.0-0 (with the recommended libsdl1.2debian libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-ttf2.0-0 libgtk2.0-0 libopenal1 libsndfile1 libncursesw5)