I will disclose I am a Monarchist, but assuming your question is genuine and not rhetorical, I'll try to answer it.
Quebec has the right idea.
Quebec as a Province, has the right to make that decision. The Provinces formed Canada in Confederation. Territories don't have that independence.
Why the hell do elected politicians in a democracy have to swear loyalty to a foreign hereditary monarch?
Charles is the King of Canada too, so he's a domestic monarchy.
This “head of state” excuse sounds like a relic of the past to appease British sentiments.
Our whole government is set up with our head of state at it's core. While I acknowledge the pain and trauma many associate the Charles and his family, the Crown is legally how the Government of Canada is represented in many ways. Even if everyone involved supported moving to change that entity, the legal hoops would be extensive.
I am honestly kind of flabbergasted by that declaration. If you don't mind me asking (seriously tell me no if you don't want to open the discussion), in what way? Like do you believe that monarchy is the best form of government or believe in hereditary rule? Sorry if that is a really basic question, but I have never encountered someone declaring themselves a monarchist.
Even acknowledging that he plays a legal role in how Canada operates (technically) its still ridiculous that anyone would have to do this, or get in trouble for refusing. An oath to obey the laws of a country, sure, but swearing loyalty to an unelected monarch seems like it should be optional at the least.
I don't know about Canada, but the UK has "the Crown" at its core. The Crown is not the same as the actual monarch. Property owned by the King and property owned by the Crown are not the same thing, for example.
Nope, i haven't a clue. I'm just an ignorant Scot who's judging by online photos. I'm sure it's lovely, but i can't see anything Parisian about the locale, architecture, or cuisine. Haven't seen anything about the dancing girls, so that's to play for!
Can i infer from your question that Whitehorse is, in fact, a shitehole?