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  • Trying to finish Hades epilogue, it's pretty grindy tbh. Afterward might be Factorio space age.

  • I've been having a lot is f fun with Green Hell, which was on sale recently. It has a surprisingly good story for a survival game that gets better the further along the game.

    There's one very annoying bug though. If you save, harvest something, die and reload, the resource does not respawn. This can really screw you over if you get an infection, you find and harvest some medicinal plant and then still die because it took you too long to find. Because when you reload, the plant you finally found is gone and now you need to find another, even further away!

  • Replaying Undertale since it’s been a few years. This game still holds up and still makes me emotional in most ways. Forever worth recommending.

  • Still playing Wazhack solo, and Stardew Valley (heavily modded) with my sibling. I have no idea when Orna came out, but we're all trying that because Pokémon GO got more annoying in general.

  • State of Decay 2, I'm not normally one for zombies but so far so good. I need to convince my wife to join as it could be more fun in co-op.

  • Valdis Story, I'm on the beginning but already loving it, seems like a really solid Metroidvania

  • After finishing Citizen Sleeper, I've been trying again to get into Ys IX: Monstrum Nox. I'm still struggling, and it's kinda bewildering. I've been an Ys fan since I was little and this is the first time I haven't been able to get into one of them. I'm happy when I'm in a dungeon. Otherwise, I can't get on with the story and cast (like Ys VIII, it's a heavier focus here).

    A friend suggested I continue on with Horizon, so I'll probably pick up The Frozen Wilds this week, too.

  • My fledgling settlement of Highjade in the steamy tropics got hit by transport pod raiders. Four of them barged into my fab lab and killed my main crafter, then trashed the equipment. A few days prior my only drug maker was kidnapped, so I've run out of penicillin too. On the bright side I still have a masterwork sniper rifle and I thanks to all the flagstones I've laid, no infestations in a long while.