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Kate Nash and Lily Allen on OnlyFans should be a wake-up call for the music industry

  • Why would this be a wake up call for the music industry? This shows they are operating at peak efficiency!

    • Ya. They don't care.
      And now they got a permission to not do anything at all as artists can make money from side hustles.

      We as a alsociety failing to fight the predatory business models.

  • A paltry few millions in networth. Please think of these starving artists

    • Lily Allen is not doing it to talk about how bad it is for her, she's doing it to show how bad it is for musicians in general. No one is going to even pay attention unless a successful musician does this.

      • I think she's just doing it to make more money and get more fame. This is completely irrelevant to other musicians situations.

        Most of them make no money whatsoever.