Do Not Buy NZXT | Predatory, Evil Rental Computer Scam Investigated
Do Not Buy NZXT | Predatory, Evil Rental Computer Scam Investigated
Do Not Buy NZXT | Predatory, Evil Rental Computer Scam Investigated
You know you're literally Satan when it's cheaper to take out a payday loan than to pay Nzxt rental fees because you'd at least own it after paying off the loan.
That part is incredibly misleading, because it assumes you'll pay off the entire payday loan on day 175, which would require quite a bit more than the rental cost.
The truly damning thing here is that it's cheaper to buy on credit and pay it off using the same monthly payment as the rental (assuming 30% interest). Many credit cards give you an extended warranty, so you're better off than with the rental terms, so there's literally no reason to rent, assuming you'll keep it at least a year or are willing to sell it at the end.
Don't pay credit card interest, but if the choice is between credit card interest and an NZXT rental, you're better off getting fleeced by the credit card company.
IIRC, the payday loan comparison he does assumes 30-something months at 365% yearly interest. Where did these 175 days you're talking about come from?
Edit: I did not remember correctly. Disregard this comment.