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Just Say No: Congress Considers Neocon Lesson Plans to Keep Kids Off Communism

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Lawmakers will soon vote on a bill directing a nonprofit to draft curriculum on atrocities carried out by communist regimes.

  • These motherfuckers will do anything but help the American people...

    • This is three card monte for the rubes - get them worried about finding the lady (Communists) while the elites are busily stealing all the money, all their rights, and making their lives absolutely miserable.

  • They gonna teach about Blue Cross/Blue Shield wanting to send us back to the 19th century and perform surgery without anesthesia?

    Because that is worse than a theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members in my book.

    I tells you wut.

  • I suspect there is a reason why the fascists call everyone to the left of them a "Communist" and talk about murdering them, etc...