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  • If your friend is willing to make the effort to combat this, she should get organized. She should find like-minded people, act locally to gain political power, and create a stronghold where the illegitimate government will face resistance. She should base this around ideological lines, rather than willingly subscribing to what experienced members in established political elites in her country are trying to make her say or do. She should write down whether values are and make sure to keep them close at all times, knowing that she just might be successful and that power corrupts.

    She should not give up hope, but she should give up the belief that others will change anything for her. She needs recognize that her country is already broken, and she needs to act to be the change.

    She needs to recognize that she's not powerless. She can make a difference.

    Likewise, she needs to recognize that it's a long and painful process. It needs to start locally, and it might always stay local. But that is fine.

    She needs to realize strength is in the community. Building the community of like minded people working for local action is crucial. She'll be disappointed in them at times, but she'll just have to keep going. There's power in community.

    At least that's what I think I'd advice her. But I don't know your friend or her situation, obviously.

  • Ask Rylanor

    • Being the second time I've seen this i did a little research. So is like trump fulgrim?

      • Rylanor's situation just seems similar to ours;

        • everyone he cares about is morphed into a parody of themselves or dead
        • The authority that he trusted betrayed him deeply
        • He only survived (Drop Site Massacre) by allying with others of the same cause

        Bonus if your name is Luigi:

        • Perfectly executed a premeditated attack on the ones who wrong him