2025 Entry list
2025 Entry list
2025 Entry list
Sergio Perez huh
It is interesting that Lawson is not listed on the RBCA car now but Perez is listed on the RB entry.
I came to the comments for this. Incredible! What does this guy have to do to lose his seat?
He is in the list, because the contract is not yet voided. Lawson not being at VCRAP is rather a hint that there will be still changes
Wait, alonso's last name is Diaz??
IIRC you take both your father's and mother's last names in Spain, but I think day to day you just use one of them.
They use their father’s name if they want or have to be addressed with one family name. Which is the first last name.
So Yuki failed on the test and got assigned to RB, interesting. I wonder how long he's going to be there before he gives up. Honda will probably pay for him to be there indefinitely, but it has to be hard on someone as driven as him.
These aren't definite, the teams can change their entries at any point. It's only the status quo right now.