The USPS was a target during his first administration, and it might now be on the chopping block due to financial losses
Donald Trump is considering privatizing the US Postal Service due to its financial losses, a move that could disrupt shipping and push hundreds of thousands of federal workers out of government.
Citing the USPS’s financial losses, Trump argued the agency should not rely on government subsidies.
While his specific privatization plans remain unclear, Trump previously clashed with the USPS during his first term, attempting to shift control of key functions like labor relations and rate-setting to the Treasury Department.
This move could significantly alter the structure and operations of the USPS if implemented.
It reminds me of how the right-wing politicians are trying to privatize Correios (the Brazilian Postal Service) here in Brazil. They alleged a similar thing: financial losses, inefficiency, and so on. While Correios doesn't offer a really wonderful service, it's really doubtable if a private company would improve it (spoiler: it won't).
the conservative push to destroy this incredibly successful organization continues. its already been punished more than any other entity by requiring things no other business anywhere is required to.
starve the beast. theyve forced it to make financial considerations that now put it in pretend financial trouble so they can point at it as a failure.
if the USPS was allowed to run as any other business today it would be far more successful on paper than it already is, but conservatives just cant live with that.
For fuck's sake, it's not meant to make money, it's a public service - it's literally in the name!
I wish more countries governments would get their head out of their capitalistic arses and understand that the services they run aren't meant to be profitable - that's what taxes are meant to be for!
Every thing the gop has done to the usps had hurt it more... but everytime I hear "it doesn't make money" well it did before the absolutely idiotic idea to make sure pensions were super funded forward. Ontop of that. Why the fuck does a government organization need to make money? I hate this whole "run a country like a business" bullshit so much. Money makes everything worse.
Its almost funny how cartoonishly evil the Republicans are. They literally are shutting down all public utilities, giving contracts to the rich, spending trillions in the name of "cutting spending", kicking out random people, and im pretty sure a Republican has openly decared friendship to be his greatest enemy (because "woke" or smth). If this was a simulation the developers are getting extremely lazy with this plotline, the villans are literally just evil.
Oh, the financial losses that can be directly linked back to Louis DeJoy's actions while in charge to actively sabotage the service, the same DeJoy that Trump appointed to sabotage the service?
They murdered it so they could sell it off, don't let them claim otherwise
Wow, so wild that the agency you crippled with a nonsensical pension funding requirement is no longer running as efficiently as you demand! what a huge surprise, no one could have seen this coming!
Super cool that the Democrats didn't reverse that insane requirement btw.
It isn't a business, it is a service, it costs money that our taxes pay, so we don't have to pay shitty private companies. (And it still makes money)
"Let's make the Mail just like ISPs" is a stupid take.
Given the country's current mood, is it really wise for the oligarchs to threaten the livelihoods of the very group that gave us the expression going postal?
I'm not an accelerationist, but what's left to do now except bathe in the worm glow of our country burning down?
There is no arguing that America doesn't deserve all the bad things, and maybe a good old fashioned conflagration would straighten the survivors out for a generation or two.
The Postal Service is in the United States Constitution, Article I:
Section. 8.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
Does everything have to be a business to this guy? Some things are government services bcz they need to be done, and private businesses wouldn't make money off it. Not everything needs to be an attempt at making money off people.
There's a HUGE real estate incentive here. Yeah the service can make tons of money for whatever company comes in but the real estate imo is the big one.
I don't think he will actually be able to pull this off. All federal agencies use USPS because they are govt employees, there are tons and tons of policies written about what has to be sent using USPS. Sure he probably could try to do this, but I imagine he will get a fair bit of pushback internally
I'm actually surprised that the USPS still exists in its current form. In several European countries, there's now very limited postal service because people just aren't sending regular mail anymore. It's all email and packages. As a result, public postal service have either been more or less shut down or privatized into a parcel service.
Meh. The usps delivers mostly junk mail. Occasionally they deliver a bill. The packages they deliver could be covered by others. There will be gaps in rural areas of course. But those are the people who steadfastly vote for smaller government. So they most be okay with it.
I say, let it go. Junk mail will cease because a private business would have to charge to much. Bills and such would go electronic... like the denial letter from anthem that they rufused to tell me the contents of. That all sounds good to me.