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Democrats eye Harris 2028 presidential run as they devise political comeback

Dear god, no. This is an abjectly terrible idea. Dems aren't going to win until they stop being the other party of billionaires who are centre-right at best yet claiming to be for the working man. Come on, learn something from this election. We want a Sanders or AOC, not this milquetoast rejection of the full scope of the Overton window.

This is going to be a crazy four years, and to suggest we come out on the other side wanting a return to the same bullshit that held wages and lifestyles back for, by then, 50 years, is a failure to read the room. No one wants what the Democratic party currently offers, and I don't see her suddenly becoming progressive. We don't need another president on the cusp of getting Social Security when elected.

We want that for ourselves after paying into the system for so long, but that's not going to happen. Find a new standard-bearer or die. Learn. Adapt. Run on real change, not the incremental shit that was resoundingly rejected and so generously provided us with the shitshow we're about to endure. Voters stay home when you do that, and here we are.

I mean, how many CEOs need to be killed before anyone gets the message that what they're offering has the current panache of liver and onions? Doesn't matter how well it's prepared; the world has moved on, and whoever gets the nomination in '28 needs to as well. Harris is not that candidate.

  • This, like the Democratic party for the last few decades, is a bad joke.

    • What pisses me off the most is that I didn't even get to explain it. It's always funnier that way.

  • Of corse she should run!

    So should a bunch of other democrats, some with different ideas. All the party has to do is stay out of the way and the people will choose better than they could.

    • Oh, you sweet summer child. Gather 'round the fire while I tell you the tale of 2016. The DNC did not stay out of the way.

    • I'm not against her running in the primary. It's somewhat of a foregone conclusion that she'd be running against Vance in the general, though. Let's just say he's not the most ... appreciative of women who step out of the kitchen, and we need full detrumpification before anything makes sense. And that's using SWF language.

  • Holy fuck nty. Anyone noticed how invisible she's been the election? Not really a galvanizing, new generation defining leader. Just another ambitious party member playing her role. Make room for someone who will do better for us.

  • I hate the democrats sooooooooo much. They are just gods damn out of touch.

  • We do not need Sanders or AOC, they are both party sheepdogs whose sole function is to keep disenfranchised voters rounded up in the party with the illusion of they stick around long enough they will have a seat at the table.

    • Correct. Doesn't mean Sanders was wrong or couldn't have wide appeal. Dude's a fucking independent. So, no financial backing. Follow the money, said everyone, especially W. Mark Felt. He had the opportunity to speak to the working class in the general, and we simply couldn't have that. What was he supposed to do? Run in the GOP primary or be as rich as Perot?