Steve Bannon Joins War Against Elon Musk as MAGA Implodes
Steve Bannon Joins War Against Elon Musk as MAGA Implodes

Donald Trump’s biggest fans are at each other’s throats over immigration, and H-1B visas in particular.

Steve Bannon Joins War Against Elon Musk as MAGA Implodes
Donald Trump’s biggest fans are at each other’s throats over immigration, and H-1B visas in particular.
It's almost like a club full of insufferable hate-filled assholes can't get along.
They'll still manage to loot the Treasury to the tune of a few trillion and get Democrats begging them for their votes in another two years.
Heck, not even two of them (Marj and Bobo the Qbert) seem to be able to get along - when it comes to being the Queen Qaren, there can only be one!
The difference is obvious once you take a closer look. One of them looks like a librarian with guns, the other looks like a thawed genetic missing link.
Fuck that shit they are the fucking same.
Imploding, infinitely into itself, sucking in and destroying anything around it. A political black hole.
I'll believe it when I see it, but it's a tiny bit of silver lining. Won't make a measurable difference though.
They are going to fall in line.
We should never have visas tied to employment. It's too abuse-prone. Give people 5-year visas, and after that, citizenship.
Many employers will fuck with imported labor if given the chance. This hurts honest employers and destroys lives.
Untie healthcare from employment first, please
I work at an MSP and we have a user that gets stuck in his native country for a few months every few years when his visa expires. Getting him set up remotely to work in situations like that is nearly impossible. I'm just waiting for the day he tells us that he's stuck there for good. Poor guy just wants to do his job
Meanwhile he's just kicking it, getting paid in Pakistan like oops I can't get a connection again. Let's try tomorrow.
I'm just kidding. Nothing against Pakistanis but everything against corporations. What the fuck is an MSP? You're just going to drop that like we should know what it is?
You launch kayaks. Rich and white confirmed. Hahaha holy shit. 1 2 3 4.
What, I mean Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven.
Many employers will fuck with imported labor if given the chance.
That was why the H1-B program was designed the way it is.
If Bannon hates Musk so much, he should walk right up to him, and punch him in the nose.
Is he still allowed on government property or did the pardon fix that too?
man they HATE immigration
Except for their own immigration, or that of their parents, grandparents etc.
rich people don't immigrate, they expatriate
Love talking about it, hate seeing it.
Only when the immigrants are not white.
And yet elected the guy who married two different immigrants.
The far right alliance is already struggling, and they haven't even made it into office yet. lol
If we pay attention to the infighting and all the circus we will hope the explode and not pay attention to what they are actually doing. Fucking over the common people and taking more than they should with a pen rather than a sword.
This is another "argument" that would be easily settled if things were even half as bad as the broligarchs claim (which it isn't). All they have to do - let people PERMANENTLY migrate here from countries like India if they have certain skills. Without being the least BIT beholden to a company when they migrate, too.
Are they proposing that? Fuck no, they aren't. They want indentured servants at the beck and call of corporate rule, and they want them there as as threat and leverage to lower the salaries of American citizens.
Also, for the nationalist xtians (the NatCs), I'm sure their head just about wants to explode when we are talking about more brown people here, because, at least in the Mexican or South/Central American immigrant case, chances are pretty good they will be brown, yes, but quite possibly xtian and even conservative. In the case of Indians, what are the chances they'll be xtian?
You give them too much credit. I'd say it goes on a scale like:
Hates brown people - can't distinguish between a Honduran and an Indian
Hates brown people - Indians are fine they can't ruin our country like Hondurans
Hates brown people - We can make mad money off Indians and Hondurans by structuring laws that make them insecure!
Their success was that they combined their forces to win the election, but each of those grifters have different goals and many of them are incompatible.
I definitively don't support whatever Banon is after, but I welcome the infighting.
They will still inflict damage to the US, but hopefully the infighting will make it much harder to consolidate their power and turn US into fascist state.
Guess who's back?
Back again?
Bannon's back, Bannon's back, Bannon's back...
I created a monster cuz nobody wants to see Bannon anymore...
Bannon? The lecherous old anemic poxxed lout from the sewer? That Bannon?
Rub my back
Rub my back
Rub my back
Sometimes I fantasize about a justice system where instead of equality before the law people get as punishment what they advocate be done to others...elon would get deported and his assets nationalized...silver lining of the new MAGAistan.
Wow, I'd say a whole lot of people would be getting raped in jail and then given the worst kind of death penalty. At least going by the anecdotal conversations I've had with various people giving their views of "justice" over my lifetime.
I'm really enjoying this right wing implosion. This is one I'm going to tell my grandkids about.
They’re not imploding. As much as I wish it were true, it’s just journalistic sensationalism.
You won't have to tell them about it because the full rectal prolapse that will become the US as a result of their infighting will negatively affect Americans for generations. You folks are in for one hell of an iron fisting by ultra conservative forces taking turns, one upping each others gape game.
I like your descriptive writing style!
Guys, I don't know if turning against President Musk is very smart...
I heard Steve Bannon can't get it up, but that might be just a rumor. Lonnie for sure can't get it up, but that also might be a rumor.
I know at least four men other than myself that are rumored to have noticed that both Steve Bannon and Elon Musk were afflicted with sores of the genitals that required treatment involving the vigorous application of lye using sandpaper. It's just a rumor though.
Let the games begin.
Elmo will get what he pays for, but maybe not in such blatant manner.
Might be a good time to go create an account and post some spicy shit on truth social and X to stir that pot ?
Edit: ya y’all are correct the left is only good at dividing itself…
The "free speech absolutists" will likely just ban you.