i guess there is some very real perceived material interests of americans to continue the genocide in palestine, like the christian zionists, or the liberals who want to continue the american dominance via global hegemony, and the labor aristocrats in america who want the treats.
i was listening to rev left radio "The Long Transition Towards Socialism and the End of Capitalism" with Torkil Lauesen and, probably gonna butcher it - but my understanding is that as we enter a multipolar world, the americans will not be able to blatantly exploit the over-exploited nations (global south) leading to increasingly deteriorating conditions in the imperial core, which will set the grounds very clearly between socialism and barbarism?
and we are to organize and help alleviate the woes of the people which also serve as a way of building relations that lead to building power via organizations.
(iirc the bolsheviks has above ground orgs and underground orgs for the law breaking stuff)
eh i dunno just over analyzing what do you peeps think.
i mean someone on this site told me that sandy hook was good because those kids were growing up in Connecticut, so they're gonna turn out to be insurance execs and bankers anyways which is way worse than what this dude said
Yep, that was pretty par for the course early on. We hadn't quite figured out moderation (we were the largest instance by a wide margin back then). Plus we were a lifeboat for basically all left and left adjacent subs that got scrubbed, meaning we got a bunch of the nazbol and cumtown subs showing up.
While that dude ain’t wrong about Connecticut we’re talking about children here. If these kids mattered to our oligarchs they’d do something about our gun problem. But they don’t! Now if another Luigi happens I can see some gun control being demanded.
It’s so fucking sad. I’m pro gun rights from a leftist perspective but there needs to be some limitations to prevent these things as best as possible (and ya know fixing our mental health system)