Make Kira proud, and maybe even eject a warp core for Shaxs
Make Kira proud, and maybe even eject a warp core for Shaxs
Make Kira proud, and maybe even eject a warp core for Shaxs
Oh, child, that sort of politically confrontational rhetoric will get you banned in some circles
Kai Winn
Evil must be opposed!
Not by me though. I’m checking right out.
Kira: Yeah, Damar, what kind of people give those orders?
Such a well acted scene. All the actors here are regulars or heavily reoccurring, they all understand their characters, they all knock it out of the park. It’s still relevant today, too.
Indeed. The entire cardassian rebellion plot is super relevant right now. I hope the people of America realises it sooner than later.
A prayer to the Prophets for Ro Laren, a real one to the very end
maybe even eject a warp core
Okay, let's not get hasty...
That might have been a dejected idea, sorry about that.
All young Democrats had to do was vote, and they couldn't be bothered, so, I have very little faith in their ability or interest to actively resist anything at all. If Kira was given the vote, you could bet your sweet bajoran patootie, she would have been first in line, then made sure everyone she was related to and everyone she knew and they were related to was voting, and had voted. Hoping for Resistance, when simple voting was all that was needed, after having miraculously deposing the same exact threat through, you guessed it, voting, is a nice something to say, I guess, but I have zero faith in it.
If enough people voted, the Democrats would have given people free health care, stopped financing wars, torture and genocide, close Guantanamo, improve public transit, boost public education, and lowered the cost of groceries. If only enough people voted for the Democrats, they could be in power and bring change. Of course!
"It’s Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They’ve Been Fooled."
Whomever said that, they had the truth of it. And the people downvoting you are furiously trying to convince themselves that their inaction isn't responsible for what's happening right now.
What are your saying?