Apple TV+ crosses enemy lines, will be available as an Android app starting today
Apple TV+ crosses enemy lines, will be available as an Android app starting today

Apple TV+ app on Android will work mostly as it does on any other device.

Apple TV+ crosses enemy lines, will be available as an Android app starting today
Apple TV+ app on Android will work mostly as it does on any other device.
Having paid for Apple TV+ (and been "given" "free" access by paying for a new computer), I can tell you that it's the least bang for buck streaming service available in Australia.
It has a miniscule library which it disguises at every opportunity by mixing in content that is available from Apple, but not included in the subscription. It makes it worse by showing content from other streaming services that require their own subscription, which it's happy to take your money for.
The entire library list fits on a web page:
In my opinion, value for money this is not.
Edit: Added link to page listing the entire library.
It’s got a pretty shallow selection, but it’s pretty great stuff. See, For All Mankind, Foundation, and Masters of the Air are all pretty great IMHO.
Severance is great.
Slow horses is great too
I watched Season 1 of Foundation.
As a long time Isaac Asimov reader and owner of most of his sci-fi books, I was appalled at the series. It manages to completely negate the scope of the Foundation book series by ignoring the time constraints on a human lifetime, mashing in a completely different storyline involving Hari Seldon and completely murdering the whole intentions of the book series.
This was not why I think that Apple TV+ is poor value for money. It does however speak to the cultural values that Apple represents.
Ted lasso and shrinking
I’m pretty sure part of this is to spice up Apple One. In my region family plan of Apple One costs slightly more than two Apple Music subscriptions. That means that even in a two person household you’re breaking even immediately if you need/want iCloud, TV+ or Arcade.
It is a streaming service you could subscribe for a month or two and get through everything of value that they have, then resubscribe a year or so later and repeat. I do not think its that different from the majority of streaming services unless you are hooked on something in their back catalog that has a ton of episodes, say Paramount with its Star Trek library.
I have enjoyed: Bad Sisters (season one, two is not as good) Severance Silo (last season was a little slow) Slow Horses (does get a bit repetitive as the seasons progress) Bad Monkey Sunny Masters of the Air For All Mankind (can be a little slow) Foundation (best to think of it not related to the books at all, and even then it can go from a bad episode to a great one back to back)
Lmao title.
The irony is that both Apple and Google are not your friends.
I've had it on my Android TV for years
Android != android tv