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  • Only vaguely related, but for anyone interested, the National Canadian Film Day website has a decent database of Canadian films (or at least Canadian enough that they're getting promoted as Canadian):

    Really need to sit down and watch Slash/Back, the trailer looked pretty cool but missed it in theatres. Lots of my favourite films in this database (love me some Black Christmas, Cube, Videodrome, Goon, Fubar, Hobo with a Shotgun, etc. - though it's noted my taste is questionable at best). is worth checking out too, though with that same poor taste caveat.

  • That's something I like about being Québécois, there's plenty of stuff to watch here!

    • Quel est ton avis sur les médias franco-canadiens en termes de livres, de films et de séries? J'ai suffisamment de journaux canadiens francophones, mais j'ai eu plus de mal à trouver d'autres médias de qualité, même avec des amis franco 🫠

      • Je travaille en bibliothèque, donc je vois passer beaucoup de médias locaux, du sympatique au nul à chier. Faut juste faire le tri selon nos goûts personnels