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  • ...are you talking about Stan by Eminem?

    I've been staring at this comment for like 5 minutes, trying to figure out what this could possibly be. I might be a little stoned.

    (On the off chance I got it, the lady is Dido, song is Thank You.)

  • And they never will
  • I'm more than a little convinced that if Jesus walks the earth today, he is really into EDM and you're only really coming across him on the festival circuit.

  • These little center islands always make me wonder when the last time a human stepped on that piece of land
  • Do it! Unless you have kids, don't stop, don't second guess, don't think of any of the reasons you shouldn't, just get. in. the. fucking. car. and. GO!

    (a little tongue in cheek, perhaps, but it's a massive country that's more than a little wild, and too many people don't explore it like they should. Seriously, go for an adventure at the first opportunity - life's short).

  • From Infocom to 80 Days: An oral history of text games and interactive fiction
  • Did a unit on interactive fiction for a grad seminar once, and sent a link to the Infocom Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy game as an optional primer. No one in the room except the prof and one guy who was experimenting with MUDs at the time had ever played a text adventure.

    I mean, that was fun for me...

  • Hmmm
  • The goodest steed.

  • The Christian right is coming for divorce next
  • Man - I know most folks feel the best thing to do is get rid of religion all together - but at this stage I'd settle for and support a new, loud, and active Christian sect denouncing xtian radicals and the churches that support them as Satanic corruptions.

    Believe Old Testament and its edicts mean a damn practical thing in today's world? Satan.

    Insisting on not rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's? Satan.

    Treating your fellow humans as lesser for anything whatsoever? Satan.

    Corrupting Bible verses to justify creating suffering and not rendering aid to anyone who needs it? 100% Satan.

    Forcing means to reduce anyone's capacity to exercise free will, the one key thing their creator deity granted all humans? Sounds like Satan to me.

    And so on. I realize this is deeply naive. But part of the reason I like The Louvin Brother's song Satan is Real is whenever I hear the guy's testimony on Satan, I think about about people in the offending churches:

    I grew selfish, and un-neighbourly
    My friends turned against me
    And finally, my home was broken apart

    The Louvin Brothers themselves would likely vehemently disagree, but - does this sound like anyone you know?

    /end of vaguely spiritualist rant.

  • N.Y. couple finds safe filled with over $130K while magnet fishing in lake.
  • Thing is, it's not that uncommon to do this, and it's not like the cashier is going to report you as suspicious to the relevant tax authority. Sometimes people don't have the full value for groceries in their bank account, or are right at the tip of their credit limit - but do have cash on hand to cover the rest.

    The point is to have a paper trail/transaction history of lesser value for the tax man. Two transactions in one visit is just as valid as two different visits using different payment methods.

    Comes down to whether you feel awkward doing the first one I guess (cashiers generally won't think twice about it, aside from maybe mild annoyance). It is a classic "Things aren't going great for me rn" move - but who cares, you know the truth.

    (Ignore all of this and pay your taxes, people)

  • This union was not meant to be.
  • All volume scales should be 1-11. CMV.

  • A future sci-fi writers never could've imagined
  • Love the worst band in the world, fam.

    If nothing else, they're an inspiration for just doing your own thing artistically. Fuck the critics, just make some shit you're passionate about, make it available to find its audience, and connect/bring in other folks who want to do the same.

    IMO, they created/'popularized' an entire genre of music, and some of it's better than what they put out (for example, I like Twiztid more - but they wouldn't be what they are if it wasn't for ICP and Psychopathic Records)

    Edit: For those who need a pick me up going into work tomorrow, a little MMFCL for ya.

  • The truth...
  • We live in a society that is evil, we collectively create that society via our participation/actions, therefore we are evil. Don't be evil, drop out. I think?

    Also the word magic is cooler spelled Crowleyan style (this part I agree with, no notes).

  • Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Insulting Dead Troops
  • I'm not who you were talking to, but I think you and I can agree that war is primarily a means to increase the power of the aggressor. Money is one form of this, perhaps the main one - though I'd argue things like direct control over other territories and their populace is another (connected to money re: control of resources, sure, but that's just one aspect).

    That said, the American WWII dead buried at Arlington, or the Canadians and Brits buried in Dieppe for that matter, or heck, even the Soviets buried in Warsaw (regardless of how you may feel about the former USSR in general) - would you say that their lives were given, primarily, in the name of money/power? Or in defence of that being stripped from others by force?

    I'm not going to pretend there isn't an argument to be made for the former, but I am legitimately curious about your thoughts here. Is it ever just to take up arms?

  • How do you like to tell people about the fediverse?
  • I likened it to a room with bidirectional portals yesterday - your analogy is much better, and has been stolen for future use.

  • Anything Godzilla size or larger
  • sweats profusely, avoiding urge to go to an AI image generator right this second

  • [Discussion] Let's talk about
  • Ok, there is a lot to unpack here and I'm not certain I'm the one to do it. But factual question - is this you?

    If so your ban looks like it expired a few months ago

  • Dionysus
  • If you're one of the twelve or so people who read Join My Cult by James Curcio, a couple things may have clicked into place for you just now.

  • [Discussion] Let's talk about
  • So far, that's it in a nutshell - barring one account of potential cybersecurity risks coming out of that, which still makes some assumptions re: motivations I'm not 100% convinced on.

    I think there's people on the 'perhaps defed' side who would want to argue it on points 4 from your immediate defed list, or 1 on the call to vote list - but personally, I'm not convinced the evidence is strong enough to do so compellingly.

    Regardless of the current discussion, it'd be wise for us to revisit your proposed policy as a group and see if we can make that official (with any relevant revisions from pre-vote scrutiny). I stand by what I said back then - it's a solid list, and IMO worth being made official and saved somewhere broadly visible for later reference.

  • [discussion] This is what walkability means for me
  • This looks like it can be easily handled by one of those cloth grocery carts, or a couple of reuseable bags and a backpack for the beer/some of the dried goods.

  • Onedrive Rule
  • Got dang*

  • [Discussion] Let's talk about
  • Given some of the comments about stuff mysteriously not showing up in the modlog, who knows - but as far as the modlog goes you've had one comment deleted, no bans.

    Same as me, actually - replied in earnest to a troll a while back. Didn't know that until today, lol.

  • [Discussion] Let's talk about

    Because someone, eventually, is going to make this post anyway, we might as well get it over with. I know someone posted something a week ago, but I feel something a little more neutral would be useful.

    There's a lot of talk on right now about at an instance level (edit: see here: A lot of it is very similar to the discussions we've had here before- accusations of ideologically-based censorship, promotion of authoritarian left propaganda, 'tankie-ism', etc. The subject of the admin's, and Lemmy dev's, political beliefs is back up as a discussion point. The word defederation is getting thrown around, and some of our beloved are part of the conversation.

    What do people think about Is there evidence that the instance is managed in such a way that it creates problems for Lemmy users, and/or users of specifically? Are they problems that extend to the entire instance or primary user base, or are the examples referenced generally limited to specific communities/moderators/users? Are people here, in short, interested in putting federation to to a vote?

    To our admin team and moderators: What are your experiences with Have you run into any specific problems with their userbase, or challenges related to our being federated with them?

    Full disclosure: I have very little personal stake in this. I don't really engage with posts about international events, I don't share my political beliefs (such as they are) online beyond "Don't be a shitbag, help your fellow human out when you can", and have not run into any of the concerns brought up personally. But I'm also not the kind of user who would butt against this stuff often in the first place.

    What I will say is that I have not personally witnessed activites like brigading or promotion of really nasty shit from I cannot say this about other instances we defederated from before. But again, this may just be a product of how I use Lemmy, and does not account for the experiences of others.

    This is just an opportunity for those who do have strong opinions on this topic to say their piece and, more importantly, share their evidence.

    If nothing else, given similar conversations a year ago, this will be an interesting account of what looks like today (happy belated cake day everybody!)

    The Kids in the Hall Cracks_InTheWalls
    How It's Made Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

    What personally transformative experience have you recently had?

    For those who might ask "What does that even mean?", this is what I'm reading that triggered the question:

    Recent can mean the most recent you can remember, even if it was years ago. Interested in what y'all might say.

    Ottawa's Pony Girl - Laff It Off [Music Video)

    Decent video and song from a local band!

    [Resolved] Language Filter?

    Final edit: Has nothing to do with specific terms used, this person is correct. Language setting related problem.

    First Edit: Damn, seems to be working fine now. Wonder if it was community-level wherever I tried to post (don't know if language filters can be implemented at that level. Can't remember what I tried to reply to), or if TheDude is updating some stuff and I happened to post at just the wrong time? Or maybe it was a post from another instance?

    Second edit: Ahhh, interesting. So it was a reply to And the offending word at least seems to be 'Beehaw'. Anyone have any insight re: what's happening here for a mostly Lemmy illiterate

    Original comment:

    Just had a weird experience trying to reply to a post. Is there a language filter now? I used a very soft cuss often spoken in normal discourse (starts with a d, ends with an n, 4 letters) and got an error.

    Is someone able to explain the rationale? Maybe it's just me but casual cussing is a) pretty much my default mode, and b) from the outside doesn't seem like a real problem that needs to be addressed. People cuss on the internet. Now, personally not opposed to a filter for clearly derogatory terms (you know what they are, don't @ me), but my recent experience seems a little extreme.

    Like escape rooms? Ever felt like commandeering that pirate ship at Mooney's Bay? Check this out! Escape the Ghost Ship: Boat Cruise & Escape Game - Ottawa - Tickets | Fever

    Escape the Ghost Ship is an escape room and boat cruise aboard a haunted pirate ship. Solve puzzles and sail the seas - get your tickets!

    Not a big escape room person but I'd do this.

    Upcoming shows calendar?

    Anyone know a good website for show (music) dates at the various venues here (particularly for things where a guitar is involved, but open to other stuff too)?

    The challenge I've had for a while is this: Bands post stuff in a bunch of places, but if you don't know the band you're unlikely to see it. Venues post upcoming show dates, but if you don't know the venue (or follow all of them) you probably won't see it. Stuff like Apt613 is ok, but kind of limited. By dint of geographical data Facebook captures a lot of events, but Facebook also sucks (one because it's Facebook, two because for some weird reason it may randomly think you're in Toronto if you're out and about, I assume by way of colocation data from invading Torontonians). I flat out refuse to use Twitter. Many have tried to keep up with events in town to maintain a calendar (Covert Ottawa Guy comes to mind, there have been others too), but most have failed or have such a broad focus that things get missed. But I still hold out hope for an indie web solution - some person or group still trying to keep abreast of the scene themselves and tracking what's coming down the pipe.

    Does such a thing exist in 2023 for Ottawa? More broadly, how do you folks discover upcoming shows (or events in general) you want to check out?

    Arno de Cea and the Clockwork Wizards - Clock Crusher

    Edit: You know what's nice? The ability to edit post titles.

    What is Code? What Is Code? If You Don't Know, You Need to Read This

    The world belongs to people who code. Those who don’t understand will be left behind.

    What Is Code? If You Don't Know, You Need to Read This

    Paul Ford goes on a long, meandering, but super interesting account of code as it relates to business and our world today.

    [Blog - Little Hidden Secrets] TIL about the Yohawks and Squirrels of 1960s Ottawa Yohawks & Squirrels & Ottawa 60s bands

    This garage punker popped up on a youtube feed I have. Seeing the Sir John A. record label has re...

    Favourite place/thing in Ottawa that doesn't exist anymore?

    What is your favourite place in Ottawa that doesn't exist anymore? I've spent most of my formative years outside of Ontario, but as a frequent visitor and now resident Ottawa always struck me as a place that doesn't really value the longevity of cool stuff. Maybe it's just ignorance of the economic forces involved, but any time I was shown something cool here I always left with the sense that it wouldn't be there next time.

    For me, I divide this into places I've been and places I didn't get to go.

    Some of where I've been: -Invisible Cinema -The InfoShop on Bank -Rideau Bakery -The Ex when it was still at Lansdowne.

    Some of where I didn't get to go: -The Beachcomber Room -Capital Music Hall

    What about you?

    Cracks_InTheWalls Cracks_InTheWalls


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