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  • I can't remember the piece size of the top of my head, but physically, the Raiders of the Lost Ark temple is my biggest and would happily build it again.

    My only worry is that the rubber bands might perish at some point.

    I enjoyed building the ECTO1 but the stickers were really annoying. There's a large number of stickers representing rust and they're all identical.

    I was going to leave them off so the car would look pristine like the original film but I changed my mind.

  • I built the Apollo Lunar Lander not long ago. I enjoy the experience of putting together Lego kits so sure, I'd do that again. Or even a bigger one like the Saturn V.

    The problem is what to do with these after I finish assembling them. Nicer kits have a good number of specialized parts so I don't want to take them apart. So they just sit on a shelf and collect dust.

    • This one is really cool. I don't remember seeing it before. Pretty cool design and there's alot of detail in there. i understand that. They're a lot of fun to build, but then how long do you keep them?

  • The giant Hogwarts with 6020 pieces! It was a lot of fun over a week, but my fingers hurt when I was done so I probably wouldn’t do it again. The stained glass looks really cool though!

    • I don't think the picture does it justice. Being 6,020 pieces, this thing has to be Big, am I right?

  • Death star. I'd probably build it again. Taking it apart seems harder for some reason.

    • How long did it take you to put this thing together. It's definitely one of the bigger ones.

      • Memory is a little fuzzy as this was.. Over 10 years ago (oh god I'm old).. I think I did a couple hours a day over several days. Probably totaling 8 hours