TIL some golfers may have small pencils to keep their scores
TIL some golfers may have small pencils to keep their scores

TIL some golfers may have small pencils to keep their scores
I love this.
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This is one of those TIL's were im trying to figure out if its a joke or what. They provide them for you at many mini golf places.
You never been to a mini golf place either?
If I have it was so long ago I completely forgot, or may have been too young to remember.
Most of them don't have erasers, though. I have several in my bag
You should give them their erasers back mate
Yeah I've never been able to afford to go to a course that gives you pencils with erasers. That's some 1% luxury.
I know these are all playing off the original comments joke of needing erasures in his bag, but for the sake of the newbie golfers, the pencils don't have erasures to prevent score changing without initializing. If you play for money with friends or in amateur tournaments, when you have to make a score correction after it's written down, you should have your cart buddy initial it. Noone wants to pay someone on a scorecard with erased scores on it lol.
"I know you're interviewing John Boehner later. You should know that he has very tiny hands, so..."
"Let him hold a miniature golf scoring pencil to make them look normal, obviously."
Typically the club provides them for free
Which clubs provide them? Like the putters or...?
The woods, clearly
How else are you supposed to keep score? Half the time there's a few spares sitting in the golf cart.
I found the real trick to bring good at golf is to simply not keep a scorecard, so you can just lie and say you got a hole in one on all 18 holes. 😌
Last mini golf place i went to wanted me to download an app to track my scores... My wife had a pen and paper, so we made our own
Not really "may" I think you would be hard pressed to find a golf course that didn't provide you with a pencil and score card
Standard sized writing utensils, if I had been prompted to.