Drink rule
Drink rule
Drink rule
what about the vodka femboys
why not both?
Idk what the one on the right is, some kinda iced tea? I don't drink either, because Monster hurts my tummy now. What about all the good femboys who only drink water and juice?
Right one is Club-Mate, a special kind of caffeinated tea thing
I'm a straight white dude and I chug both when situation dicates
being a femboy and being a straight white dude are not mutually exclusive 👍
Huh, actually blew my mind there a little. In that case I'm a straight white macho(-macho-macho?) dude, and I chug trains all day.
I'm on the right :3c peach ice tea flavour mate is best
nah... too sweet, winter mate is a lot more interesting
This is my favorite flavor!! So good.
Where?! I've seen this advertised on their website and on some of their bottles' labels but never in stores
Wait, there's a peach version of the iced tea flavor?!
I wish Mate weren't so hard to find in the US. Yet another reason to expatriate....
Afaik, that's the only iced tea variant they have. At least by Club Mate.
I'm not sure about sugary, carbonated mate drinks but yerba mate as a tea might be easier to find. They're imported from South America and might be easier to find depending on where you live. Not sure if carbonated mate drinks are a thing outside Germany at all tbh
I gotta try that sometime :3
And then there is me: in a quantum superposition of being a cis guy and a hardcore mønster femboy at the same time
condolences on being danish
At least I’m not bri’ish or fr*nch
or american…
That's just having a caffeine addiction
This is the way. The day ain't started until I have tachycardia*.