Why "Neither Left Nor Right" Just Means Right Wing
Why "Neither Left Nor Right" Just Means Right Wing
from youtube channel Second Thought
Why "Neither Left Nor Right" Just Means Right Wing
from youtube channel Second Thought
'Neither Left nor Right' is a fascist dogwhistle. Fascism has a rich history of marketing itself as the apolitical choice.
And there’s also the fact that in the US, you have the party of the far right and the party of everyone else; centrist is to the left of a lot of Democrats at this point.
Yes, everyone who doesn't align with your political view is facist. That in itself doesn't sound facist at all, does it?
We need to not just be careful about what some horrible people are doing right now, but also about what we become as we react to it.
We do need to be careful, yes. But this isnt a case of mislabelling views just because they disagree with their politics. Its important to call out far right nationalist parties for what they are.
As is discussed in the video, Omega_Haxor wasnt making a baseless attack on a belief they disagreed with. Authoritarian politicians do have a history of using this dogwhistle messaging.
Yikes. A lot to unpack here.
... nah can't be bothered, goodbye.
This. There is a distinct lack of awareness by both parties of just how fascist their tendencies are. The right has more of the authority-centric tendencies of fascism, and the left has more of the out-of-control virtue signaling, demonization, etc that can lead up to things like the struggle sessions that occurred during China's cultural revolution.
Anyone who says 'those who are not explicitly on our side are enemies' is deeply at risk of losing it to fascism, if they're not already gone.
The interesting thing about this aspect of fascism is how, although it leads ultimately to centralization of power and authoritative control, it's more of a decentralized, manipulative mob of social anxieties run amok.
There's a big different between centrism and apoliticalism. Apolitical people are targeted by fascist/authoritative movements as they lack the understanding of the issues at play and are suckered in by easy answers, centrists understand the issues but don't think an extreme left/right solution is the answer but elements from both sides should be considered.
If "centrists" understood the issues they'd have rejected the concept of centrism existing at all.
The workers own the means of production or they don't.
The government exists to protect human rights or it exists to protect its heirarchy.
You do not earn progressive points for supporting gay rights and lose them for still thinking brown people aren't people, not matter what a "political compass" test thinks is worth +5 or -4.
You do not earn partial leftist or libertarian points for thinking the Divine God Emperor is bound by noblesse oblige.
The very idea of centrism, is, and always will be, a con on people that do not understand the core political divides, but think you can trade morality like currency.
centrists understand the issues but don't think an extreme left/right solution is the answer
Think they do but typically show their ass as being completely ignorant of leftist politics.
but elements from both sides should be considered.
Rarely, and typically more so the right.
There is no way "centrists" understand the issues because a majority of politics today is about trying to define what the issues of a country are. Centrism only works as a political philosophy when it is universally agreed that something is an issue. There is no nuanced center position when one side believes that climate change exists and another refuses to acknowledge the existence of climate change. You can't say that "climate change exists sometimes".
Centrists are only focused on the how of problem solving process, which inadvertently makes them choose sides before the what is even answered. You may be able to pull off being a centrist within a political binary, but until the what our problems are is answered across the political spectrum, it is impossible to be a centrist within the full political spectrum.
Judging by the discussion I dont think people watched the video. I can see how you might think 'neither left nor right" is referring to moderates or centrists. But it isnt about that. (So clearly a poorly chosen title, then).
The video is about how the far right and corporate interests uses the messaging of being apolitical, or an outsider to push a right wing agenda. It’s not an attack on moderates or centrists.
It's a false appeal to objectivity and an attempt to portray themselves as "above the fray."
I don't agree, other than the dogwhstle use of the phrase problem that is ongoing. But back to my point: there are reasons Cambridge Analytica and Surkov style meme warfare from the IRA go for this topic, because there WAS a transcendence in The Bible, there factually was The Enlightenment
People think we are living in Holocaust Denial... no, what Fox News, Alex Jones, and Trump present is described by Neil Postman... Enlightenment Denial is what killed good in the USA. www.Romans1132.com -James Joyce unraveled all these media mind games back when Edward Bernays was doing his thing!
Bruh wtf is your comment history??? Are you schizo?
It's odd how many people think Fox News language behavior isn't a concern.
People so strung out on memes they chase any free sample feed, inclusive of Lemmy.
This type of comment is unproductive on Beehaw. Please refrain from these types of comments in the future.
The video is about how the far right and corporate interests dismiss both the left and right, and uses the idea of being an outsider to push a right wing agenda. It's not an attack on moderates.
“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. ”