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  • We should build electric cars here under the European brands.

    • But the European brands are switching (some models) to Chinese platforms from their Chinese partnerships. 🥹

      If we get BYD (or equivalent) factories here, we're cutting the middle man. Staffing them with union workers along with Canadian environmental and labor regulation should ensure they aren't poisonous slave shops.

  • I think we should diversify away from the US and China as much as possible. So no, i don't think we should ease off tariffs on Chinese goods.

  • Just as a big fuck you to Musk's Tesla and the traitor-in-chief, we should absolutely decrease this nonsensical, 100%, never seen before, extraordinary tariff. First let's cut it to 50% and let's see how many Chinese cars enters Canada's market ... if it's a flood, we should increase the tariff again. ... if it's only a trickle, let's decrease the tariff again.
    Remember we also want China to decrease their tariffs on Canadian products.

    • China is nobody's friend. They are an advanced authoritarian autocracy with significant territorial ambitions on this planet and in space. We made the mistake of relatively freely trading with them for decades, which helped destroy our manufacturing base while providing them funds to buy significant parts of our country in return, while they supported terrorist regimes like North Korea and bullied all their other neighbors in Asia. They are not friends, no matter how much they smile at us.

      • i mostly agree with you here.
        Astonishingly, we might have to ask ourselves which regime, in China or USA, will be worst in the next few years.