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  • And it's true. X stopped being edgy and cool around when Nü Metal hit the scene. Elon Wants to be edgy and cool, but unfortunately he's a 52 year old white supremacist transphobe with more money than anyone has any right to have that he pretends to do useful things with instead of actually doing useful things, and the walking embodiment of divorce. He's probably the least cool, most edgeless, person to walk the earth.

  • Holy cow 2001.

  • Fun fact! The haXe programming language was named as such in 2005 because it was short, simple, and "has an X inside", which the author asserts humorously is needed to make any new technology a success.

  • 90s TV commercial narrator: Twitter has a brand new look, and it's X-tremely out of this world!

    Group of random kids: SCORRRRE!

    90s TV commercial narrator: Looks like the bird has flown the coop!

    (wacky sound effects)

    Elongated Muskrat: (appearing in a cloud of magical smoke) Hey, kids!

    Group of random kids: OH WOW, IT'S ELON MUSK!

    Muskrat: If you want to get jiggy with it, you've got to be DOWN with the X-sauce! (throws up advertiser-friendly mockup of a gang sign)

    Narrator: Twitter is now X-X-X-X-X-Xtra cool!

    (kid in aviators and leather jacket crossing arms, fade to black)