The numbers confirm what many of us have long suspected — that Twitter wasn’t worth the effort, at least in terms of traffic.
A lot of people threaten to leave Twitter. Not many of them have actually done it.
This was true even before Elon Musk’s purchase of the platform a year ago. But the parade of calamities since — cutting back on moderation, unplugging servers, reinstating banned accounts, replacing verified check marks with paid subscription badges, throttling access to news sites, blaming the Anti-Defamation League for a decline in advertising — has made stepping away more appealing, either because the timeline is toxic or because the site simply doesn’t function the way it used to.
Last April, the company gave NPR a reason to quit — it labeled the network “U.S. state-affiliated media,” a designation that was at odds with Twitter’s own definition of the term. NPR stopped posting from its account on April 4. A week later, it posted its last update — a series of tweets directing users to NPR’s newsletters, app, and other social media accounts. Many member stations across the country, including KUOW in Seattle, LAist in Los Angeles, and Minnesota Public Radio, followed suit.
Six months later, we can see that the effects of leaving Twitter have been negligible. A memo circulated to NPR staff says traffic has dropped by only a single percentage point as a result of leaving Twitter, now officially renamed X, though traffic from the platform was small already and accounted for just under two percent of traffic before the posting stopped. (NPR declined an interview request but shared the memo and other information). While NPR’s main account had 8.7 million followers and the politics account had just under three million, “the platform’s algorithm updates made it increasingly challenging to reach active users; you often saw a near-immediate drop-off in engagement after tweeting and users rarely left the platform,” the memo says.
There’s one view of these numbers that confirms what many of us in news have long suspected — that Twitter wasn’t worth the effort, at least in terms of traffic. “It made up so little of our web traffic, such a marginal amount,” says Gabe Rosenberg, audience editor for KCUR in Kansas City, which stopped posting to Twitter at the same time as NPR. But Twitter wasn’t just about clicks. Posting was table stakes for building reputation and credibility, either as a news outlet or as an individual journalist. To be on Twitter was to be part of a conversation, and that conversation could inform stories or supply sources. During protests, especially, Twitter was an indispensable tool for following organizers and on-the-ground developments, as well as for communicating to the wider public. This kind of connection is hard to give up, but it’s not impossible to replace.
The week after NPR and KCUR left Twitter, the Ralph Yarl shooting happened in Kansas City. Rosenberg says it was “painful” to stay off Twitter as the story unfolded. “We had just taken away one of our big avenues for getting out information, especially in a breaking news situation — a shooting, one that deals with a lot of really thorny issues of racism and police and the justice system. And a lot of that conversation was happening on Twitter,” Rosenberg says. Instead of rejoining Twitter, KCUR set up a live blog and focused on posting to other social networks. NPR’s editors worked with the station to refine SEO and help spread the story. Even though the station itself wasn’t posting to Twitter, Rosenberg says the story found an audience anyway because very engaged local Twitter users shared the piece with their networks. And while the station informed these users through its website, it also reached new users on Instagram, where Rosenberg says KCUR has “tripled down” its engagement efforts.
On Instagram, KCUR’s strategy is less about driving clicks and more about sharing information within the app. “Instagram doesn’t drive traffic, but frankly neither did Twitter,” Rosenberg says. NPR, meanwhile, has been experimenting with Threads, a new app built by Instagram that launched in July, where NPR is among the most-followed news accounts. Threads delivers about 63,000 site visits a week — about 39 percent of what Twitter provided. But NPR’s memo notes that clicks aren’t necessarily the priority, and the network is “taking advantage of the expanded character limit to deliver news natively on-platform to grow audiences — with enough information for a reader to choose whether to click through.”
NPR posts less to Threads than it did to Twitter, and the team spends about half as much time on the new platform as it did on the old. Danielle Nett, an editor with NPR’s engagement team, writes in the staff memo that spending less time on Twitter has helped with staff burnout. “That’s both due to the lower manual lift — and because the audience on Threads is seemingly more welcoming to publishers than on platforms like Twitter and Reddit, where snark and contrarianism reign,” Nett writes.
These strategies move publishers further away from seeing social media as a source of clicks. This could be a risky pivot away from traffic sources, given that NPR and many member stations have laid off staff or made other cuts due to declining revenues. But the social media clickthrough audience has never been guaranteed; a Facebook algorithm change this year also tanked traffic to news sites. Instead, recognizing that social media is not a key to clicks seems like a correction to years of chasing traffic through outside platforms.
There were signs of social media’s waning importance before the Twitter sale as well as predictions that the era of social media-driven news is coming to an end. But changes to X in the last year have only accelerated these trends, underlining that social media is less rewarding to publishers and less fun for users than it used to be. “The quality of our engagement on the platform was also suffering” before April, Nett wrote in a followup email. “We were on average seeing fewer impressions and smaller reach on our tweets, despite keeping a similar publishing cadence. And I know this is anecdotal, but as someone looking at the account every day, spam replies were getting much more frequent — starting to overpower meaningful feedback and conversation from audiences.” Musk’s now-retracted relabeling of NPR could be seen as a last straw, or as an open door to leave a platform that had lost its utility.
By many estimates, active daily users on Twitter/X are in decline. Not everyone who leaves does it like NPR, in a flurry of headlines and with a final post pinned to their timeline. Instead, it’s more mundane. They check less and less often, finding it less useful, less compelling. It’s not easy to decide to back away; there’s still a fear about leaving — a fear of missing out on a great conversation or a new joke. But as a platform becomes less reliable — either editorially or technically — staying becomes more fraught. And as NPR has demonstrated, you may not be giving up all that much if you walk away.
I cannot understand why news organizations and large companies wouldn’t want to run official communication through Mastodon. I understand the network effect but allowing your employees to create a Twitter account is a bit like letting them officially do business with their personal AOL email account. I don’t think Mastodon is even close to perfect but it gives the publisher a huge amount of control.
I don't understand why they can't jusy write on their website or publish an email newsletter or RSS feed. Why do we need anything like Twitter for organizations?
Fundamentally microblogs are different than all of those things. RSS is too nerdy for regularly people, who are already struggling just with the idea that they have to pick a server on mastodon, and RSS readers are not at all designed for short-form content like it. Email newsletters are roughly the same, and I really don't want every tweet in the form of an email, that would get real, real annoying. Then you toss in that both are one-way communications. And finally, you have to go seeking all of those things in a significantly different way than when you than just saying "I'll search twitter for GE, I'll bet I'll find them there, and they're going to likely be more responsive than any other channel because it's all in public."
Generally speaking, I really hope that outfits like NPR and the brands and such don't all just go to Threads and instead choose to really own their identity and self-host on federated services.
Because providing a central location for people to communicate about things via an information exchange system is clearly what people want. The issue is that it isn't held up and maintained by society at large but by private interests. Stuff like mastadon have a chance at changing this, but we'll see
I absolutely get you; you'd think companies would want this. However employees probably shouldn't want this. It's generally probably better for them that they work for their own brand when possible, so I'm hesitant to suggest this become a thing.
The business of the newspaper is to publish news. The problem is that XTwitter is not a news publishing platform and their recent changes make it almost impossible to figure out what is real or not. So many posts are made to look like news releases but there is not one bit of parody in them. If someone wants to have their own private account, fine, but their official work ought to not be interfered with by trolls and people with a malicious agenda.
I can't help but wonder if most other news organizations' corporate owners wouldn't want to legitimize the fediverse in anyway. It might loosen their deathgrip on the internet .
wouldn’t want to run official communication through Mastodon.
It's a culture thing.
People cannot think for themselves.
People are skeptical of open technologies.
Businesses tend to support passing around money with other businesses. It's in all of their best interests that people aren't even exposed to free alternatives.
On Mastodon, instead of trusting a company not to ban you, you have to trust some random terminally online nerd who set up a server not to ban you. It's not a great solution, just shifts the responsibility.
Corporations want to control every aspect of their image and maximize profit. Were they to move to Mastodon there are going to be consequences that could reshape how Mastodon and the Fediverse operate. Maybe there would still be independent instances, but profitability could drive corporate instances that would greatly overshadow private ones and/or even change the way the whole thing works so it’s much more difficult or expensive to be part of the system. That’s what corporations do - control the system, maximize profits by charging to participate in as many aspects of their system as possible, buy up competitors and if that doesn’t work they crush them.
I mean, it's better than Twitter in the one key aspect they care about: it is run by someone who is somewhat reliable. Sure, we can rely on Zuck to be a data-hoarding, privacy-invading fuck, but he can also be relied on to not insert his personal beliefs too deeply into his products.
NPR would be an ideal subject to do self-hosted federated platforms. They'd have total control of moderating in their own communities, but people could access the content from elsewhere. And it sort of lends itself to the idea of public information and discourse.
However, Mastodon and Lemmy do not have the reach they desire. Too bad. Nothing we can do except grow these platforms and hope that it takes, enough to attract the attention of the likes of NPR.
Mastodon and Lemmy don't have a great reach so entities like NPR don't contribute, and entities like NPR don't contribute, so these platforms won't have as great of a reach.
At a certain point, "Doing the right thing" should become an important factor.
I wouldn't trust NPR to moderate a kindergarten let alone a social media website after the amount of proven misinformation they published during covid.
Yea Digg and Reddit aren't really comparable for a number of reasons. Digg changed their entire website overnight into something that was fundamentally different to what it was. Reddit on the other hand looks and feels pretty much the same as it has for years. Anecdotally, most people I know in my life who use Reddit aren't even aware of anything going on.
Additionally Reddit has something that Digg was never able to achieve, a huge presence over Google search results. Even if Reddit locked down completely today like some kind of read-only site it would still continue to get a ton of traffic for this reason alone.
There was a time in which Twitter was an incredible resource, just by being the sort of place that subject-matter experts like law profs and history profs would weigh in on relevant political claims, in nearly-real-time. Sure, you had to wade through a nightmare farm of trolls and porn to get there, but once I figured out how to curate my feed well enough it was a quick way to get the benefit of actual expert takes.
TBH I suspect destroying that was among the reasons for taking over twitter
Your definition of "early days" for twitter isn't nearly early enough, because it started out as an SMS repeater. Hashtags, images, and celebrities didn't come for a long, LONG time.
Either way, it's been pedophiles and nazis since way before Musk. He just perfected the art. Real scumbag stuff.
Turns out the whole tide pod thing was complete fiction, and elderly people are the ones eating them a majority of the time according to poison control data. Go figure. Bored middle-aged people on TV trying to tell everyone what idiots the youngs are these days.
"Complete fiction" is a bit of a stretch, but it was grossly exaggerated how many kids ate the danger candy.
Apparently Tide's marketing team went through many iterations on the pods, and they intentionally made them look like enticing treats. Probably not the smartest on their part either.
It's a much better designed app than Mastodon IMO, and you can read all of Mastodon from it, it's just a really nice platform. It's simply my preference and a better user experience.
It's a fedi client in the same way that Mastodon is, but as an app it's better in a lot of ways.
Most Mastodon instances limit you to 500 characters in a post, on firefish the default seems to be 10k chars. I like the support for threaded viewing of replies, the authoring tools are just a bit richer, and a lot of things that don't need to be done in a whole-separate page are instead done in a modal dialog. All in all, it's a thoughtfully-derived app that (imo) improves on Mastodon in a lot of ways.
I'm Canadian and that see you next Tuesday Zuck has blocked all news to us on his platforms. I tried to post a NYT recipe link the other day and that was blocked.
So I started using Firefish and only reading it in the fediverse. Amazing.
I presume you know the specifics of why those blocks are in place? It's because of a bill attempting to force them to pay for news posted there. You'd think the Canadians would have learned from the Aussies who tried similar, but no.
Is that so? I thought it was a more significant source. But isn't it technically correct, though? I'm not American, but Wikipedia says it was established by the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967.
If a person buys a home in the US and they qualify for a government secured first time buyer's loan at their local bank, would you say that person is living in government housing? They aren't. Likewise, if a person starts a small business, gets a loan from their local bank that is secured by the US small business loans program, is that a government company? Of course not.
NPR is overwhelmingly supported by donations, trusts, advertising, etc. The government funding is more akin to a local art student getting tuition assistance or a grant of some kind. Which is pretty much the opposite of what Musk's bullshit stunt was attempting to do- paint NPR as an arm of the government. Because all his idiotic new friends think that's how it works and not one of them is curious enough to actually look it up.
Oh, I understand now, I'm not from the US so I just assumed that it was majority-funded. I'm just not sure why this would be a big deal even if NPR was government funded - I mean, it's still better than a broadcaster owned by the media oligopoly, so who really cares?
Their intents were foul but the action itself is pretty factual. It's like with (s)expats just because you gave it a different name for white people doesn't change the fact that they're immigrants. Same deal here. American media absolutely should have gotten the tag from the get go.
But like come on we all know why they gave them the tag, it was purely for political reasons.
Not supporting mainstream media = alt right now. Wow, I guess there is only one legit anti-establishment movement in the world. You are doing these people's work for them.
Oh sick burn NPR now you have to find a new Democrat platform to shovel your state sponsored Democrat propaganda. Have fun with the website and newsletters.
How state-affiliated media accounts are defined on Twitter.
State-affiliated media is defined as outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressures, and/or control over production and distribution. Accounts belonging to state-affiliated media entities, their editors-in-chief, and/or their prominent staff may be labeled. We will also add labels to posts that share links to state-affiliated media websites.
Literally less than 1% of revenue comes from government grants, but it's "state affiliated." By that reasoning a whole host of things are state affiliated.
Probably based on the tax dodging that huge corporations do, X should classify itself as state affiliated, because we taxpayers are essentially subsidizing companies like that.
NPR is not state affiliated. They were created by a Congressional charter yes but so were the Boy Scouts and the American Red Cross and they aren't state owned or affiliated.
You're just straight up wrong my man. Factually. You have the facts wrong. Whatever you believe here that you think makes you right, is in fact, 100%, provably, wrong. As others replying to you have pointed out and used references.
Hey you know what, if you pay taxes, you're state affiliated.
Similarly, all individuals who receive government benefits are clearly state affiliated.
Thankfully, someone else has already shared and sourced twitters working definition of "state affiliated", and we can see that NPR clearly doesn't fall under that. Looking forward to seeing your response to that comment.
Edit your original comment here at the top level to say that although you think they can be called state affiliated, that npr is not under the control of any governmental party.
If you won't do that, all the bullshit you wrote in the replies is just as hollow as it seems and you're proven just a right wing troll and no one should ever believe anything you write.