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Tracker Tier List

Hey yall, just for fun I had the idea of making our own community tier list for trackers. Lumping them all together regardless of category, just rating them on how well they do what they do.

Commit if you have any changes or additions and I will update!


  • HDBits (HDB) - Movies/TV
  • PassThePopcorn (PTP) - Movies
  • BroadcasTheNet (BTN) - TV
  • Redacted (RED) - Music
  • GazelleGames (GGn) - Games


  • Anthelion (ANT) - Moives
  • Nebulance (NBL) - TV
  • BeyondHD (BHD) - Movies/TV
  • Blutopia (Blu) - Movies/TV
  • MoreThanTV (MTV) - Movies/TV
  • Orpheus - Music
  • AnimeBytes (AB) - Anime
  • Bibliotik (BiB) - eBooks
  • TorrentLeech (TL) - General
  • Empornium (EMP) - P0rn


  • Aither - General
  • Alpharatio (AR) - General
  • FileList (FL) - General
  • IPTorrents (IPT) - General
  • MyAnonaMouse (MAM) - eBooks


  • Bit-HDTV - Movies/TV
  • Nyaa - Anime
  • Orpheus is probably A-tier if it's being compared to S-tier Redacted, but both are quite good now.

    Also, GGn has never changed its mission statement or quality but I feel like the rise of Fitgirl/DODI/KaOs, cs.rin, and Clean Steam File (CSF) ripping has really left them in the dust and failing to adapt. I wish GGn would start tracking sha256-matched clean source files and AIO delta updates so I can apply my own cracks to up-to-date versions of games. As is I barely ever use GGn anymore because the games they track are always out of date by nature of infrequent scene/P2P releases.

    • Sounds like I'm also behind, as someone who only plays older games and they are always on there when I search haha. So you think it should be moved down?

      I'll go ahead and place orpheus, thanks for contributing!

      • I don't think GGn should be moved down per se because they've done nothing wrong and they are high quality for what they aim to do, but I do wish they kept on the pulse of gaming piracy a bit more. I would also say compared to titans like BTN/PTP/RED, GGn's catalog isn't as meticulously filled out, so I would maybe vote for A-tier instead of S-tier. I would understand if others think S-tier though.

  • I have no idea where in the list it would rank but I've been a longtime user of I don't know how it compares with other porn trackers because I don't have access to them. I'd love to get access to empornium but I don't know anyone with an invite.

    Iptorrents has some porn but I mostly use it for movies and TV shows. Curious why it's considered b-tier because I've had a very good experience there.

    Redacted is awesome though, I agree with its s-tier rating. I didn't know anyone with an invite but I was able to get through their interview/application process.

    • Again I said it's subjective, if people want something changed I'll change it! There's been lots of complaints about IPT over the years of shady stuff going down, people losing their accounts of no reason, them wanting bribes to get back on the site, etc. I'll agree the content is good, but the site itself and staff are not. I could see it being maybe an A tier imo, certainly not S.

      Maybe someone else can chime in with what they think of pornolab compared to emp.

      • Interesting, I've never had any issues with iptorrents so it's good to know what things to keep an eye out for. Thanks for sharing.

  • Tier list separated from content type is too abstract thing. If you're metalhead then metal-tracker would be S-tier for you and redacted would be nowhere above B. If you're jazz fan, then tiers would be totally oposite (you won't need metal-tracker at all).

  • MyAnonaMouse is D-tier. Has very little content, and community-wise, they go for "family friendly" which is weird and uncomfy for what's literally a piracy community?

    • MAM Is there a better tracker for ebooks and audiobooks? Also, it seems unfair to mark them down for being nice.