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  • Some of their songs feel like... How it's to say? If they recorded just one of them and quit, they'd still be legendary and covered to death. And they have plenty of them.

    It greatly depends on what you want to find in them. Maybe it isn't there, so it doesn't stick to you. Put one of their albums on while walking or doing stuff and see for yourself.

    • Good idea. I just can't decide if I like what I'm hearing or not

  • I do like their music and I enjoy listening to most of their albums, from a musical technique point of view there is literally nothing bad to say about the band.

    But, recently, I found out that, in order to be able to see them live, one has to be subscribed to their on line fan service which gives access to the pre-order of their live events tickets even before they hit the normal sale channels. Given their fame it's already hard to be able to find a ticket to one of their live shows, which are also already quite expensive themselves. If we count the cost of the subscription to their fanclub (50$/year) it seems like they don't care about their less wealthy fans.

    This has changed my perspective on the band and its message: before making this discovery I always saw Tools as a group focused on the enrichment of individuals through art and self-improvement. Now I see them as the guys who speak nice words but then act in a complete opposite way for their own benefit, because walking the way they talk about it's too much of an hassle for themselves.

    In conclusion I've decided to avoid going to their live concerts and to only listen to their music via open platforms such as YouTube.

    Money are not needed for spiritual awakening so I'm sure they won't be bothered by missing my money from their cachets