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Why are arcade cabinets so expensive?
  • I own a couple actual vintage arcade machines and paid less for them than this. If you shop around you can find deals.

    I also have one of these 1up cabs and it is definitely not like vintage. Software may be the same but it is using a modern monitor not a CRT. I think I paid around 300 for it several years ago. Not full size.

  • NSFW
    What are the best comebacks for common insults?
  • Miss me with this pussy shit, bitches!

    You need to punch up your comeback game? I gotchu!

    Someone called you a motherfucker? "I found out yo momma so UGLEE her blowjobs count as anal. And she LOOOVES giving me "anal"."

    Someone called you a rebel without a cause? "At least I'm not a faggot without a dick."

    Some comebacks that work for almost anything:

    Did you think of that YOURSELF, Einstein?
    You're dumber than you look.
    You're not the brightest bulb in the pack, are you?
    You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?
    Did your mommy tell you to say that?
    Are you always an asshole or only on Fridays?
    Are you sure you know what all those words mean?
    I’ve been called worse by better.
    You go out in public with that face?
    Your village called – they want their idiot back.
    You’ll never be the man your mom is.
    Which circus did you escape from?
    Which zoo did you escape from?
    Which ape cage did you escape from?
    Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth.
    Grab a straw, because you suck.
    I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain.
    If you were a spice, you’d be flour.
    It’d be awesome if you used glue instead of Chapstick.

  • Tape
  • What age do you have to be to get this joke?

    Kids probably think its a sexual reference.

  • Controversial law to surgically castrate child sex offenders in Louisiana could soon be reality
  • Next we should cut off thieves' hands. Then harvest organs randomly from prisoners.

    They're criminals. They should not have any rights. Fuck em, right?


  • Wealthy white men are UK’s biggest transport polluters, study finds
  • I am sure some farmers are rich.

    I am also sure that farmers, like almost any other large group, have a wide range of incomes.

  • Wealthy white men are UK’s biggest transport polluters, study finds
  • Wealthy white men from rural areas


  • Pan frying a steak butter vs oil
  • Some of the best steak I've ever had is ribeye fried then baked.

    Skillet to oven

    Skillet to oven cooking chart

    Above instructions (and site) CANNOT be beat. Buy prime ribeye if you can.

  • Pan frying a steak butter vs oil
  • Some of the best steak I've ever had is ribeye fried then baked.

    Skillet to oven

    Skillet to oven cooking chart

    Above instructions (and site) CANNOT be beat. Buy prime ribeye if you can.

  • Pan frying a steak butter vs oil
  • Stirlon? Is that stirlon silver?

  • My own version of oatmeal
  • Maple syrup is awesome. Peanut butter and maple syrup is better. Peanut butter, maple syrup, and mixed nuts is best.

  • Given the resources to accomplish it, what wildly impractical project would you finally pursue?
  • Very interesting idea. If I could afford it, I'd buy one!

    Would you consider a hybrid design too?

  • Given the resources to accomplish it, what wildly impractical project would you finally pursue?
  • I would finally build the dome home I dreamed of in college. Myself, no contractors.

    Planning might push this in other directions like an earth berm home or similar. I might also consider some hybrid designs. Alternative housing is really interesting and uncommon.

  • What are the best alternatives to Amazon for buying new (or used) books?
  • If the difference were only a nominal % I might agree with you.

    When I bought the Complete Calvin and Hobbes the price at the local bookstore was about twice the online prices.

  • Best Buy Membership "discount"
  • They're actually earning the nickname Worst Buy.

  • What are the best alternatives to Amazon for buying new (or used) books?
  • Do you want free? Ask in the piracy mag.

  • What are the best alternatives to Amazon for buying new (or used) books?
  • I appreciate local bookstores and brick and mortar B&N...BUT prices.

    Unfortunately online is much cheaper than in store.

  • How do you recover from seeing something awful on the Internet?
  • I know some shit is unavoidable. But I really do think about clicking on links that seem questionable to me. I try to prevent but also know this is an imperfect strategy.

  • To date, what do you think is the greatest invention or discovery and why?

    Mine is the computer. I continue to be amazed at what we can do with them.

    What is the next "big thing"?

    Right now it seems like its "A.I.". Still big now are the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. Recently we had COVID 19.

    What's next?

    What ever happened to nanotechnology? Seems like it disappeared.

    Most are probably too young to remember but nanotechnology was supposed to be the most super amazing thing ever.

    80's Music guyrocket
    Loverboy - Only The Lucky Ones
    Which will melt more snow: 35 F and sunny or 45 F and cloudy?

    Related question: What cloudy temperature will melt as much as 35 F and sunny?

    How can I anonymously create a G! play account? Is it possible to create an anonymous email account that G! play will accept?

    Trying to set this up for some healthcare stuff I want to keep private. Finding this to be very difficult, mostly because I can't find anonymous, secure email.

    Any advice welcome.

    How can I anonymously create a G! play account? Is it possible to create an anonymous email account that G! play will accept?

    Trying to set this up for some healthcare stuff I want to keep private. Finding this to be very difficult, mostly because I can't find anonymous, secure email.

    Any advice welcome.

    Why don't phones support 2FA?

    Phones could allow much higher security if they supported 2 factor authentication. This could be face/fingerprint along with a typed or swiped password. This seems like a simple solution that leverages software that is already implemented. Just make it an added option in addition to the existing one

    ETA: Sorry for the duplicate posts, I was getting error messages. Pls use this one.

    I am surprised there is confusion about what 2fa is. Here is a simple definition:

    New Judas Priest Song: Panic Attack

    Judas Priest's new album, Invincible Shield, will be coming out 3/8/2024. Official Video for Panic Attack

    New Judas Priest song: Trial By Fire

    Judas Priest's new album, Invincible Shield, will be coming out 3/8/2024. Official Video for Trail By Fire

    Free heavy metal internet radio station. No ads!

    I've listened to this station on and off for many years and wanted to share it. I am in no way affiliated with them. Just a happy listener. Enjoy!

    Apologies if this post is not allowed, please let me know and I'll take it down. Thx.

    What is a band you like and which of their albums do you like the most? And, if you're feeling analytical, why do you like that album the most?

    I'm looking to buy more CDs and expand my depth and breadth of metal music appreciation. Instead of "greatest hits" I'd like a studio (or live) album that is a shining example of a great band.

    I'll start: Ratt: Out of the Cellar Listen

    This was Ratt's breakthrough hit and debut album that put them on the map. Several hits on this disc like "Round and Round". Also a couple great songs that were not hits like "Lack of Communication" and "I'm Insane".

    Edit To Add: Some great responses below, thanks! Please feel free to ponder further and add to your response or respond again with other bands!

    Vector Pinball

    I would like to recommend Vector Pinball to anyone with even a passing interest in video pinball or video games.

    I find this game to be very impressive, even more so as a free app on F-droid. I need to send this dev some cash, I have probably put \>200 hours into this game and I am really enjoying it.

    Things I like: Physics are perfect. 8 boards Each board plays very uniquely. Great depth of play, the boards are complex and take some work to unlock/see everything. Addictive. Some boards are very difficult. Unique look with vector graphics. Reminds me of Tron. Pretty good music.

    Things I don't like: My phone doesn't have pinball buttons. Doing that on the screen is a bit awkward. Workable but awkward. The ball can pass between your flippers with no chance to hit it. Often normal for pinball, this always annoys me. I think I should always have some chance to hit and save the ball. Show me my score and high scores as soon as I finish a game. I should not have to press a button or wait for the scrolling to see these.


    News guyrocket
    Scientists find about a quarter million invisible nanoplastic particles in a liter of bottled water
    What is your best story when you were in a foreign country?

    It can be anything: Scary, funny, confusing or embarrassing. What happened that stands out most in your mind?

    News guyrocket
    Biden administration to impose inflation penalties on dozens of drugmakers

    The Biden administration will subject dozens of drugmakers to inflation penalties, the White House said on Thursday, in a move that would reduce out-of-pocket costs for Medicare recipients.

    President Joe Biden's signature Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes a provision to penalize drugmakers for charging prices that rise faster than inflation for people on Medicare, a government program for those age 65 and older and the disabled.(

    guyrocket guyrocket

    Hello. I am a single, middle aged man from midwestern United States. Pic is not me.

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