Windows PCs can't sleep properly, and Microsoft wants it that way
Windows PCs can't sleep properly, and Microsoft wants it that way

The Modern Standby feature in newer Windows PCs never seems to work right.

Windows PCs can't sleep properly, and Microsoft wants it that way
The Modern Standby feature in newer Windows PCs never seems to work right.
can't collect your data if your device is actually sleeping
No problem
It always amuses me when people say that Windows is easier to use than Linux, which is absolutely false and only coincides with basic functions, but not if you want to make Windows do what the you want and not the other way around. Windows allows you to tame it completely, it has all the necessary settings, but naturally these are becoming less and less intuitive and more hidden.
I have a Mac / Linux background. I took a job where I supported primarily Windows machines. I remember wanting to set a machine to NTP to solve an out-of-sync time issue. I knew what the goddamned computer protocol was, but futzed around trying to find where I could enable it for ten minutes. Windows is confusing as fuck. I say that as a person who has since learned where shit is in this bullshit OS.
Yes, I know. This is why it amuses me when someone says that Windows is a good system for beginners. It is only at first glance, but if you want to access more in-depth configurations so that it does what you want and not the other way around, which is possible, it quickly becomes Comanche territory. Certainly nothing for newbees.
Sleep has always been a hit or miss. My HP probook would wake up just to tell me the battery is low. Then, proceeded to sleep, because the battery was low. Then, wake up, to tell me the battery is low...
That would be a product of the HP code mills.
This is the other drawback, standby consumes battery
fast startup is pretty good tho.
win11 tases painfully long time to coldboot (2-3 minutes, somehow even slower than linux boot times on an 8 year old laptop) even from a fast nvme drive and fast boot solves that issue
In 2-3 minutes I am already posting on Lemmy with W10, there is not much difference between cold and fast boot, it may be because of the SSD. I prefer cold boot, because with fast boot it boots maybe a few seconds faster, but a lot of garbage remains in memory that slows down the system.
pff, just power the PC off completely, that'l put it to sleep. Don't trust that windows actually powers it off? Unplug the thing! While you are at it power off that phone of yours completely, that'l put the annoying notifications sounds and buzzing to rest.
The best way to shutdown your windows computer is to install Linux.
i heard you gotta wait until it tells you it's safe to turn off your computer.
If you hold the shift key when you press "shut down" it'll fully shut down.
just as i saw this post my computer i put to sleep woke up presumably because updates pending or some bullshit like that
My desktop isn't a problem, but the Dell laptop issued by my employer is a pain. It can take over an hour to load the models I work on, so I only shut down over the weekend and sleep it weeknights. Every time some BS, probably hidden behind admin credentials by IBM will wake it up within 20 minutes. Luckily I've discovered pulling the power and leaving it in battery keeps it asleep.
You might be able to fix this by disabling "modern standby". That was the key on my Dell laptop from work having the same issue and threatening to melt my backpack every night.
I'm not sure the corporate lockdown will allow that, but I'll look into it thanks.
Huh, I have the opposite issue on my new tablet. If it stays in sleep mode for more than an hour while unplugged, it goes into full shutdown mode and has to be booted up when I need it again. Asus flow z13
The default power plan Asus setup is doing this. You change power plan settings.
That sounds like hybrid sleep, or low battery, or something.
Never heard of that happening unless it was a battery issue
If you can't get the PC to stay asleep I wonder if disconnecting it from the internet will keep it asleep?
Modern Standby includes a Disconnected Standby mode. It never actually enters S3 sleep, because Windows assumes S0 sleep support means no S3 sleep support. Disconnected Standby might use a little less power than Connected Standby, but the computer is still subject to the same wakeups and wakelocks.
relatable. do windows pcs also have cats curled up between their legs?
Anymore, standby seems to be a solution for a problem which no longer exists. Booting from a completely powered off state to a full desktop takes very little time, on a modern system with an SSD. You're also less likely to be online to receive updates or the like while in a standby state. Unlike phones, computers rarely have cellular modems. So, the benefits of an "always on" state are largely lost, as the system isn't going to get updates, notifications or data while it's in standby. Just power the device off.
Resuming from S3 is still a lot faster than cold booting or resuming from hibernation, even with SSDs and Fast Boot. It's also nice for keeping your session intact so you don't have to reopen programs and reload tabs.
"I don't have a need to sleep my computer so no one else should!"
Shutting down and re-booting doesn't retain your active work state. Mac OS will at least launch everything you had open if you want it to, but Windows (at least up to 10) has no such feature.
This is incorrect..ish. Windows, yes even 10, has had a feature for a while now called Automatic Restart Sign-on (ARSO). You can enable this feature by going to Settings > Accounts > Sign in options > "Automatically save my restartable apps and restart them when I sign back in"
After enabling it, a reboot will restore.. some apps (hence the 'ish'), these apps being mostly Microsoft apps (Edge, Word, Outlook, Notepad etc) + some third-party apps (I know Firefox gets restored, not sure about others).
You can also use the shutdown /g
command to test this (after enabling ARSO):
/g Fully shuts down and restarts the computer. On restart, if Automatic Restart Sign-On is enabled, the device automatically signs in and locks based on the last interactive user. After sign in, it restarts any registered applications.
I honestly find macOS' feature more annoying than helpful. It doesn't seem to launch Firefox for me (and probably other stuff), and it doesn't recreate all the state in my terminal. And then my first login is completely frozen for a couple minutes as it loads all that stuff on first boot, most of which I don't need right away.
So I use sleep a lot and try to avoid shutting down.
I really don't like macOS "reopen" feature. It doesn't seem to remember state for most apps, so if they were running at all before shutting down, they're going to have a window opened on login. Unchecking the option doesn't seem to work for every app, either. Whenever I reboot, I end up having to close 5 or more windows from apps I had running in the background without open windows.
Laptops still exist
It might be quick to get to a windows log in screen, but it still takes a long time to get back to a usable state, not to mention the state that you actually want it in (programs and files open, etc).
Having standby or hibernation was really great for this. Being able to put a laptop into a bag for 24 hours and then getting back to exactly where you left it was a very nice feature.
awweee : ( but i like not having to re-open my 9 separate browser windows, 3 constantly opened apps, plus whatever program i was working in.
Sleep has me back to my workflow in no time
We don't really care about background notifications on a PC. on a cellphone when we are out, yes because that's just how it is and it makes work easier. We just expect as humans that when we put the PC to sleep that it acts as if it's off but just with a quick resume when we wake it up.
What about session state?
uh… no
Booting from a completely powered off state to a full desktop takes very little time, on a modern system with an SSD.
Ahh I see you haven't had the pleasure of dealing with a DDR5 system.