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An appeals court blocks Mississippi's permanent ban on voting after certain felonies /2023/08/04/1192295228/mississippi-felon-voting-law-blocked

Mississippi is violating the U.S. Constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment by permanently stripping voting rights from people convicted of some felonies, a federal appeals court panel ruled in a split decision Friday.

Two judges on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel ordered the Mississippi secretary of state to stop enforcing a provision in the state constitution that disenfranchises people convicted of specific crimes, including murder, forgery and bigamy.

If the ruling stands, thousands of people could regain voting rights, possibly in time for the Nov. 7 general election for governor and other statewide offices.

Mississippi Republican Attorney General Lynn Fitch expects to ask the full appeals court to reconsider the panel's 2-1 ruling, her spokesperson, Debbee Hancock, said Friday.

The 5th Circuit is one of the most conservative appeals courts in the U.S., and in 2022 it declined to overturn Mississippi's felony disenfranchisement provisions — a ruling that came in a separate lawsuit. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court said it would not consider that case, allowing the 2022 appeals court ruling to stand.

The two lawsuits use different arguments.

The suit that the Supreme Court declined to hear was based on arguments about equal protection. Plaintiffs said that the Jim Crow-era authors of the Mississippi Constitution stripped voting rights for crimes they thought Black people were more likely to commit, including forgery, larceny and bigamy.

The lawsuit that the appeals court panel ruled on Friday is based on arguments that Mississippi is imposing cruel and unusual punishment with a lifetime ban on voting after some felony convictions.

"Mississippi stands as an outlier among its sister states, bucking a clear and consistent trend in our Nation against permanent disenfranchisement," wrote Judges Carolyn Dineen King and James L. Dennis.

Under the Mississippi Constitution, people convicted of 10 specific felonies — including murder, forgery and bigamy — lose the right to vote. The state's attorney general expanded the list to 22 crimes, including timber larceny and carjacking.

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Mississippi felon voting law blocked.
  • when you go to prison and pay the price that society says your supposed to pay by serving your sentence, you get released. you’re done. How is it just that you have your right to vote permanently stripped from you?

    if you were convicted of a violent crime and were proven not to be able to be trusted with a firearm, I can understand not being able to ever own a gun again, and a felony record already makes it next to impossible to find a decent job or decent housing. but to never vote again? that’s just petty and vindictive, not just. These people, whatever their crime, hav paid their debt to society.

  • eh, do you really want people convicted of forgery to vote? seems like it's setting a bad precedent.

    murder? yeah you lost your rights to vote, deal with it. had to look up what bigamy is, and I wasnt aware that was even a felony.

    • I want everybody including people still serving their sentence to be able to vote, mainly because I don't want it to be possible for disenfranchisement to be an ulterior motive for criminalizing things the political opposition does. (For example, marijuana prohibition.)

      • willingly and knowingly breaking the law is a crime, regardless of if you agree with the law.

        but I agree with you on naturally occurring plants - cannabis and poppy should be perfectly legal, but thc concentrate and opiate derivatives should be illegal. even hard alcohol should be regulated.

    • it’s not a matter of what you or I want; it’s a matter of justice, of what’s fair and what’s right.

      murder? yeah you lost your rights to vote, deal with it.

      and why should they? they’ve paid their debt to society.

    • Hope you or your family don't get falsely accused or convicted of any of those felonies then. Seriously, some people don't understand, once you strip rights from one group of people, it's only a matter of time until either they or their families either fall into that group, or the group gets expanded so large that they will inevitably be included in it. If you don't think you'll end up in that group, you're either incredibly conceited, or you probably deserve to be in jail in the first place. Seriously why would people who benefit from disenfranchisement ever want to stop?

      • oh, we've got a felon in the family. useless bastard, he's been in and out of prison his entire miserable life - hence my opinion. thank God he's not allowed to vote, with the piss poor choices he makes. honestly, that whole side of the family is fucked.

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