The third image reminds me of the following wise words:
“Always carry a microfiber cloth with you“ -Steve Jobs
If someone did that to my guitar I would punch them
Pic 1 is a bit of a stretch. You'd have to be highly regarded to grab a glass like that
That is hard to look at.
Hands knife back blade first
Fun fact: amongst olden European nobility, handing someone a knife with the handle first meant that you wanted them to use it to kill themselves. Then again, they didn't actually hand each other knives that often afaik 🤷
I am often a victim of number 3, especially, with my young kids around :(
Are pic 2 and 3 not the same? Don't touch the lenses
It makes me feel uncomfortable
You're haha on it because it's funny, but a couple weeks ago my friend gave me an empty glass like on the first picture for sure, and he was totally fine.
Sweet Jesus 😬😬😬😱
dear god
It's true, I was at a gala dinner and saw Sir David Attenborough pass an glass of orange juice just like that and nobody batted an eye.
New fear unlocked
This just feels wrong