Sometimes you just gotta be the one to say your team sucks
"Yo this team SUXX!"
Player Th4tGuyII has been banned from the server. Reason: Toxic behaviour
That's not fair at all.
Humans suck. Not Earth. Difference. Even though many to most humans, self-important as we are, readily conflate the two. The Earth was a bountiful paradise for a long, long time until us.
Don't blame the Earth because one random malignant mutation metastasized on it.
She's one of our victims, too. I don't worry for her though, she's winding up to address the surface nuisance that is humanity as we speak. Not her first rodeo, and not her last.
gave birth to 100% of mass murderers.
Sounds a bit Malthusian.
Human beings differ from other animals in that we have language and the capacity to learn and develop culture.
Capitalism is a system that enforces greed and selfishness. Those values aren’t inherent to human beings. They’re just what we’ve been taught to live under in order to survive.
But there are other ways of being and living. We can learn to live in sustainable ways, and to live in cooperation with each other instead of competition.
That's not fair at all.
Capitalism sucks. The humans have a bountiful potential for they create meaning via emergence of consciousness in an organism wired to desire/avoid. Only this brings so the categories good/bad into existence.
Don't blame humans because some historic proceedings did not yet suffice.
We are our victims, too.
Nah fuck Earth that wet-ass rocky mfer I lost my phone at the bottom of the water booo that bitch
Sun suddenly leans in to within 4k km
“Sorry, what?”
We are malignant... I hate that I'm an active participant but the primal instinct in me to survive prevails. I want to be a mutual benefit parasite if possible..
Yup. It’s not like the iron/nickel ball that coalesced first out of quettafucktons of space dust had any say in which of the life-infested rocks got yanked down on to her, ffs.
Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve.
Humans fucking rock.
Were the greatest species ever until some aliens come along and kick our arse.
"Are they booing?" "No, they're saying boo-irth. Birth."
"I was saying boo-irth"