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Ford asks suppliers for ideas to cut EV costs in an all-win-or-lose push for profitability
  • How about not having every fucking feature imaginable to add to a car? Safety features? Fine. I don't need a touch screen. I want knobs. Hell, I don't even fucking care if the windows are crank roll. I just need to get to work so I can try to pay the bills that I need to.

  • I don't know anything about Linux and the idea of installing it frightens me. Where do I start?
  • If you can install windows, you can install Linux. Easy distro are Ubuntu or maybe Mint. Medium may be fedora or something.

    I might get hate but Fuck gnome and debian. Debian is solid af don't get me wrong but Holy hell it feels like the Apple of Linux.

  • "I'd rather do anything else than go to your gathering"
  • But it's rude to lie. I'd rather have honest friends. I invited a friend over and he said, "hey I'm really working on my honesty. I would love to go to your place but maybe another time because I really need my me time today." I respected that.

  • "I'd rather do anything else than go to your gathering"
  • I genuinely hate the dishonesty. Why is it drilled in people to fake being nice? Why does one have to be so polite? There are ways to say no and still be polite. Or just simply say, hey thank you but I'm not super interested. Idk man. I'd rathe have a no than a maybe (probably not).

  • Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient
  • I mean.. The cat in the house is still our cat. We love him and have had him for 10+ years. He's chill and tromps around the house. Sometimes plays and sometimes cuddles with everyone. I love the cat but I generally don't like cats.

    I'm not sure I follow what you're putting down. I don't feel like it applies to me.

  • What is your favorite cereal and what country are you from?

    Just wondering how different countries enjoy their cereal (or other breakfast favorites)

    What's the most watched non porn video on porn hub?

    Got into a discussion and I recalled that Rick and Morty was watched on porn hub and other non porn shows and stuff.

    Why should I primary Linux for Home Desktop and which one do you recommend?

    I've always used Windows and am super comfortable with it. I have set up a dual boot with fedora but don't use it because I have never identified a need to use it. I see a lot of windows hate, so what does Linux have that I need? What can motivate me to migrate? What is a good Linux to have for a desktop + steam?

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