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  • Getting evicted. I don't do anything wrong or break my lease in my apartment, and have never had a complaint against me but for whatever reason I get super freaked out when someone knocks on my door. Even if it's just a delivery driver.

    I remember one time I actually called off sick at work because I saw my landlord on my ring doorbell tape something to my door and I was literally worried sick. Started thinking I had to start looking for another place.

    Turns out it was just a notice saying that they were going to give residents a free fire extinguisher in the coming days. All that panic for nothing.

  • That we* get the government we deserve.

    *Global we, not just where you live.

  • Aliens walking in the distance.

    Like if they're running right at you with violence in mind, that is a completely rational fear, no problem.

    But if I were standing on my front porch and saw an inhuman alien gray walking down the street, even if it didn't look my way, I would freak the fuck out.

    Even the idea, the thought of that happening can make my hair stand on end.

  • Human interaction, but that pretty common and boring...

    I take my shirt off to poop if it's convenient. It's the irrational fear of the splash back getting my shirt wet.

  • Blowers. It's what I called pool drains (and lights and vents). Still hate them.

    And this one is more of a 'it would be terrible and now I can't stop thinking about it' thing, but steep hills, and how awful it'd be to just roll back down them. In a car or on foot. You just suddenly lose control and start plummeting backwards. I got it worst when I was in San Fran.