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How much 5e do you have to know to enjoy Balders Gate 3?

I mean, the title is mostly it. I haven’t played DnD for…long enough that I know none of the rules and few of the classes. I didn’t play BG or BG2.

It looks so shiny, but I’m afraid I would just be 100% lost. Can anyone say what it’s like to go in cold?

  • There is a considerable amount of depth to the game, but it's not insurmountable for anyone. You'll have no problem going through the game if you read through tool tips and help pop-ups as they arise. DnD knowledge needed is none at all or negligible at best.

    If you do end up playing, I hope you enjoy!

  • Really none. The game walks you through rolls and what each thing does.

    Having a little knowledge of how D&D works only serves to make the leveling up process go quicker since you have ideas on how to allocate stats or what specialties you take without reading through everything.

    • Yeah I think OP is looking at this from the wrong way. As opposed to a normal game you’ve never played before in which you have to learn the mechanics completely from scratch, with BG3, if you have any knowledge of 5e, you’ll be able to pick it up easier.

  • No knowledge of dnd needed, from someone who has no knowledge of dnd and having a grand time

  • It is also helpful to know that if you make any mistakes in you character build, you can respec your class and ability scores very early in the game for a fairly low price. The things that you cannot change are your origin, race or appearance, but these don't have such a great impact (unless you take the Dark Urge origin and find a bit too bloody for your tastes - in which case you have to start over)

    Personally, I never played DND but I did play a bunch of RPGs before (such as the Pathfinder games on PC) and I love checking out character build guides. The learning curve of BG3 was pretty smooth for me.

  • As somebody with no knowledge of 5e but some knowledge of 3.5e, it’s been pretty user-friendly. The game goes out of its way to make mechanics pretty easy to grasp. Tooltips can be brought up to and you can go further with any highlighted words in the spell/ability tooltip, so you can look up what “Prone” is when you’re look at the “Trip Attack” tooltip, as an example.

    The only knock I have so far is that it doesn’t outline class progression at all, especially since the game apparently does deviate from tabletop rules at times, but that’s more of a QoL thing than anything else.

  • It is very similar, but you don't need to know anything to start playing. Just a basic understanding of turn based RPGs. The rest will come with playing the intro tutorials.

  • If you have experience with RPGs that's all you need, the game will walk you thru it as others have said, I've never played d&d and having a good time