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Plasma 6 Release Candidate 1 has landed.

Plasma 6 Release Candidate 1 has landed.

We are less than 50 days away from the final version of #Plasma6.

Along with Frameworks 6 and KDE Gear 24.02, the Megarelaease on the 28th of February will be one of the biggest and more complex upgrades in KDE's history.

One more RC will be released on the 31st of January and then it will be (hopefully) clear sailing until the final release.

  • That looks really sleek! I always liked how smooth an experience KDE was back when I used it.

  • Very excited for this release!

    • What features are you excited for?

      • As silly as it sounds, the new taskbar modification pop up. Dragging the taskbar from one side of the screen to another was a point of jank that took away from the polish of the desktop. The floating panel retaining proper proportions upon maximizing windows is also a nice fix.

        I think I’m most looking forward to Plasma becoming more polished overall. I like that this release isn’t completely revolutionary like 4 to 5 was. It’s about removing things that don’t work that well and tightening up what does.

  • Is it possible to install 6 as a separate DE so I can swap between stable and this in my DM?

    • @ikidd @kde no. you cannot install multiple DEs without breaking stuff. especially different versions of the same DE. if it is even possible, i would not recommend it.

      • you cannot install multiple DEs without breaking stuff.

        You definitely can. There is no problem on having, say, Plasma, GNOME. XFCE, and so on on the same machine, even on the same partition and switching from one to another from the login menu.

        [it is not a good idea to have] different versions of the same DE

        This, however, is absolutely correct. The overlapping different versions of libraries and other common software would make things very messy indeed.