Surely a small amount of effort every day is better than a monthly emergency and panic... right brain? Right?
Surely a small amount of effort every day is better than a monthly emergency and panic... right brain? Right?
Surely a small amount of effort every day is better than a monthly emergency and panic... right brain? Right?
Every day? How often are you changing clothes?
If it's just you، no worries, but if you have two or three kids it's not unreasonable.
The Amish don't even do that. They do it 3x a week
I don’t do laundry every day, but I have a basket that’s about the same size as one load. Whenever the basket is full, it goes into the washer. Tends to be once every about 5 days for me.
But one big load is more efficient with time 😂
I do one machine each Sunday. No idea what you fill your daily machines with, unless you have literally one (1) pair of everything and must clean it daily.
Cleaning daily you want at least three sets of clothes
I don't know, man, I'll try anything once, but that sounds uncomfortable.
If you only own one set of clothes, you don't need to decide.
The HBO show Deadwood frequently depicted the 1870s old West characters stripping to their underwear, tossing their clothes on a chair, t then waking up the next day and putting them back on.
The whole time I'm thinking man, our society has this all wrong
At one point I realized that I almost never wear over half of my clothes so I got rid of them. Now I have like 20 similar colored t-shirts, 3 similar colored pants, 40 pairs of underwear, a pile of black socks etc. After doing laundry I put the clean clothes at the bottom of the pile and when I need a fresh shirt I take the one that's on top. Same applies for all my other clothes aswell. I basically wear the same outfit every single day.
My wife thought I was crazy for doing this exact thing! I think she's crazy for making clothing decisions every morning. Who needs that much extra work?
I actually had a terrible roommate like this once.
He had one work outfit, and he washed/dried it every day. One button up shirt, one pair of khakis, and one pair of dress socks. No underwear, because he didn't wear any. Dude was just too lazy to buy more outfits I guess.
I just do mine once a week. Very easy and not a huge load of laundry.
Once a hamper fills up, I do the laundry. Not super complicated lol
Could always just become a nudist. Then you only need to wash towels.
I think what most of these replies are missing is that for ADHDers, it's possible to do something either every day, or totally sporadically and often too late... The "just pick a day every week" solution is a) obvious, and b) impossible.
Lol right?
All these comments are just like "just do it at the optimal and appropriate time" like... not all brains can just do that.
Yeah if there was a button for that we would need a different meme template.
I have to pay to use a washer and dryer so I'm doing everything all at once just to save money.
You have enough clothes to wear a whole month without doing laundry? Gee. My entire wardrobe is maybe 4 loads, counting all seasons, and I think I have too many clothes.
I just snipe it when the dryer is empty.
What does that mean?
I mean the dryer always has someone elses clothes in it, so as soon as i see its empty i all my laundry.
I know this isn't within the means of everyone, but have your clothes laundered. Finally convinced my wife to let us do this and it's fantastic! About $45 a week for the two of us. We're mostly empty nesters.
We really do live in entirely separate worlds. Not disrespecting you in the slightest, but the idea of spending the better part of an entire day worth of wages just to pay someone else to do an hour of work is alien to me
Yeah not for everyone for sure. Based on wage per hour which isn't really real, it costs us more to do the laundry than to pay to get it done. Same reason we have someone clean our house every few weeks and care for our lawn.
I have contamination OCD so there's no way I'd have others do my laundry 😂
Oh yeah no doubt, you'd have to just burn everything they touched and buy all new!
I wish you a germ free existence my friend!
My excuse is I get half priced electric on Sundays.