Lol, I'm pretty sure this a retirement home for dogs. They're all old dogs that got adopted and basically sheltered. All that being said, they definitely have a few favorite breeds, lmao.
I used to be a kennel worker, and this would happen almost everyday around noon, especially with the old timers.
Oh dude, the senior dog homes are always the nicest, but they're really rare/ hard to get into. Most of the time it's just an old couple with strong backs, that adopt a bunch of old dogs, and do their best to keep them happy/ follow the law.
There's a fine line between hoarding and running a rescue/ kennel though.
Hang on. I've got a new favourite. The one at the back, instead of looking forward like all the others, is looking at a framed photo of another dog instead. (now with screenshot added)
Maybe I’m just too morbid, but I’m convinced this is a shrine. My imagination is running wild with “lonely old widow(er) has beloved dead pets stuffed in memoriam.”
I think the thing that stands out the most to me is the little dog on the right side, with his feet on the desk, looking directly at a picture of another dog.
That being said, I hope they were all alive during the taking of this photo. Fingers crossed.
To me it looks like several pics of a handful of dogs chopped together, there are too many dogs that are identical to one another. The terrier on the right looking at the pic looks like he's standing next to himself and also lying under the orange chair. The dog with the hair clip is in the front, sofa on the left and (possibly?) at the back next to the terrier.
I could be wrong, sure, but it's just looks off and a few dogs are waaay too similar to just be the same breed.
I'd need to see a bigger photo with less jpegs to be able to tell, could just be the chronchiness and odd photo editing that's sending this straight to uncanny valley territory for me.
The two in front are making me doubt the answer the most. The left one has completely empty eyes that scream puppet, but the side eye next to him looks real.