Russia launched its first moon-landing spacecraft in 47 years on Friday in a bid to be the first nation to make a soft landing on the lunar south pole, a region believed to hold coveted pockets of water ice.
It's high time for the US to ditch their white elephant, the SLS, and get serious about space again. The new space race has already begun. The only real prospect for the US is the Starship program but that's run by a crazy narcissist with dubious loyalties. Time to stop coasting and to take control again.
Way too expensive, to the tune of over a billion per mission. Not innovative and yet they can't even get their ancient technology to work. Not reusable, like they take old Shuttle engines that have flown multiple times and then just expend them. Such a waste. The whole thing is just a boondoggle that serves no purpose other than letting politicians hand out government pork to their local constituencies.