A divided nation
A divided nation
A divided nation
You got any more jpeg artifacts for me?
I kept trying to clean my glasses
Yup, I've got loads of them out the back.
Seems like something drawn up by a soft southerner.
My thoughts exactly
Anyone who includes Fife and Dundee as having a stuck up and pretentious accent is either deaf or geographically challenged
Landscapes - somebody's never been to the Yorkshire Dales have they
Or the Pennines or the Lake District or...
Landscapes is totally wrong
As a Canadian I'm not entirely sure what region it is that "punches horses" but it got a chuckle out of me.
Newcastle - happened at a football game some years ago
The "potential imminent violence" accents got me laughing.
As a resident of Southampton, I take issue with Portsmouth being deemed enlightened, while we’re considered savages. That’s entirely the wrong way round.
I saw the bakeries one first - fooled me into thinking this was sincere haha
I was very confused by the shape of this United Kingdom. For reference, this is what it + the non-UK part of Ireland actually looks like:
I'm guessing, they left out all the islands, but even then, it still doesn't look terribly accurate to me, so no idea...
Edit: Added clarification about Southern Ireland.
Wow, that dam between northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland has really come along in this better map. United Kingdom is great Britain and northern Ireland, for reference.
They rotated it slightly to get the south coast more horizontal and binned off most islands (the Shetlands and Orkneys I can understand but the Isle of Man wasn't in the way).so they could pack more into the space.
Check your mailbox
Post-industrial depression landscape in the Cumbrian mountains? Or Yorkshire? The Pennines?
I know. 12 maps, 0 correct.
I’ve never known Fife and Dundonian accents to be described as ‘pretentious’.
Divisive meme is divisive? I assumed it was just a too big bubble for Edinburgh
Yeah. I think they just made it too big for Edinburgh, as you say.
But to be honest, most of the folk I know fae the ‘burgh are nae posh.
I didn't really enjoy this.
Sorry. Hanging head in shame, etc. I found it mildly entertaining how grossly wrong it was on every single level.
I still looked at it, that's content creation baby.
I enjoyed it, they need to lighten up.
Mostly attacking Scotland and anywhere that isn't london. Shite.
Accents are a million so not a good way to divide.
Also whoever did this. Do you think Scot's sit around eating haggis all day drinking whiskey and playing the bagpipes ?
A child perhaps or London knob. Racist
Can you point to where the map hurt you?
It pokes fun at londoners just as much as northerners. In fact, id say it's crueller to the south west and Wales than anywhere.
Do you think Scot’s sit around eating haggis all day drinking whiskey and playing the bagpipes ?
Of course. All while wearing kilts and tossing tree trunks.
I assumed the whole thing was designed to offend absolutely everyone.
I think it might not have been entirely serious, mate.
I think racist comments aren't meant to be serious. Doesn't change the outcome.
I grasp that but I don't find it amusing. It's just crap stereotypes.
Maybe try a bit harder next time. Something original. Maybe something about Scot's being tightfisted or shagging sheep. Something brand new